shell ruby java


Our mission is to enable your growth and satisfaction through flexible access to digital marketing reporting data.

We have 3 major approaches for providing data: APIs, Webhooks and Integration apps.





This site describes the resources that make up the LocaliQ reporting REST API offerings. For questions or general information, please contact us at:

LocaliQ API Support: Contact your LocaliQ account representative.

Terms And Conditions

Use of any LocaliQ Application Program Interface(s) (collectively, the “API Service”) is subject to the LocaliQ Online Marketing Services Terms and Conditions as set forth at (the “Marketing Services Terms”), including, without limitation, the Client Center Product Terms, and any other applicable agreement between you and LocaliQ. LocaliQ provides the API Service as an extension of the Client Center software and reserves the exclusive right to limit or revoke access to the API Service at any time and for any reason.

Your download, transfer and/or removal of any information through the API Service is solely at your own risk. LocaliQ is not responsible for the safety, security or legality of the transmission of your data or of your or any third-party’s platform or system to which you transmit the data. Due to technical processing and transmission requirements of the API Service, your information is transferred unencrypted and may involve (a) transmissions over various networks and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting to various networks, systems or devices.


Getting Started

We have a two-step access process; authentication and authorization.

Note: Business user’s access to advertiser’s data (GMAIDs) is maintained through Campaign Central/Corp Portal.

Step 1: Request API Access

The first step is to register your application with LocaliQ. Please contact your account manager or DMC to request API access.

You will get a response within 1 business day. The response email will contain a Client Id and a Client Secret token.

Step 2: Authorization/Authentication

The second step involves receiving an Authorization token, which is then used to request an Access and Refresh token. There are two ways to receive an Authorization token: User login method and Direct access method.

Get Auth Token

User Login Method

Through a browser initiate the authorization with your Client Id and Client Secret tokens [Step 1] and your REDIRECT_URI (the redirect URI is where all API related responses will be sent)[CLIENT_ID]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]

Please enter your business user credentials.

The user (login email) being used for API authentication must be a business user in the LocaliQ platform and have access to the GMAID that will be used in the API

login screen

Upon successful authentication, you will be redirected to the REDIRECT_URI along with an Authorization token. This token expires in 10 minutes.

Get Access and Refresh Tokens

Please use the Authorization token to request an Access and Refresh token.

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["content-type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"code\": \"AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN\",\n\t\"grant_type\": \"authorization_code\",\n\t\"redirect_uri\": \"REDIRECT_URI\"\n}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"code\": \"AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN\",\n\t\"grant_type\": \"authorization_code\",\n\t\"redirect_uri\": \"REDIRECT_URI\"\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("content-type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
  "client_secret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
  "grant_type": "authorization_code",
  "redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "access_token": "8821d2a47a88d1cbaced1043aee73ccc4608d7cacb068c0eb09e468e91cdb49b",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "5d59deea16599eb316a63989a9974568da4f5570e7ef9969c693f0b1ce1052cb",
  "created_at": 1495549720

Direct Access Method

Another way to get the Authorization, Access and Refresh tokens today is to use the direct access approach. OAuth 2 provides a "password" grant type which can be used to exchange your business user credentials for an Access token directly. This method is easier to use for straight API integrations where user interaction isn't desired or possible.

Replace the CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, USERNAME and PASSWORD with the correct values for your account.

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"grant_type\":\"password\",\n\t\"username\":\"USERNAME\",\n\t\"password\":\"PASSWORD\"\n}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"grant_type\":\"password\",\n\t\"username\":\"USERNAME\",\n\t\"password\":\"PASSWORD\"\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
      "client_secret": "CLIENT_SECRET",

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "access_token": "8821d2a47a88d1cbaced1043aee73ccc4608d7cacb068c0eb09e468e91cdb49b",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "5d59deea16599eb316a63989a9974568da4f5570e7ef9969c693f0b1ce1052cb",
  "created_at": 1495549720

Request New Access Token

Oauth flow

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

request =
request["content-type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"grant_type\": \"refresh_token\",\n\t\"refresh_token\": \"REFRESH_TOKEN\"\n}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n\t\"client_id\": \"CLIENT_ID\",\n\t\"client_secret\": \"CLIENT_SECRET\",\n\t\"grant_type\": \"refresh_token\",\n\t\"refresh_token\": \"REFRESH_TOKEN\"\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("content-type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
      "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
      "client_secret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
      "grant_type": "refresh_token",
      "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "access_token": "62b28b310f73caa88d6968c380ccb85434f4f6379162e01d1bade4b62a62762c",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "f2b8a81ca929a4df4d40fe8bb36a379761f91242ac3b26957e3e0a6696235233",
    "created_at": 1504822139

Security Considerations

Token Security

Refresh tokens are long-lived.

This means when you must store it securely to keep it from being used by potential attacker. For this reason, it is not safe to store them in the browser. If a Refresh token is leaked, it may be used to obtain new Access tokens (and access protected resources) until it is blacklisted.

Access tokens must also be kept secret, but due to its shorter life, security considerations are less critical.

The email address used to obtain the OAuth Access token must be associated with the GMAID of the requested advertiser. If it is not, the API will return an HTTP response with status code 403 and the following body:

{ "name": "not_authorized", "message": "You are not permitted to perform this action." }

Business user credentials

The user (login email) being used for API authentication must be a business user in the LocaliQ platform and have access to the GMAID that will be used in the API. Business User credentials are provided to you by your account team during account creation. These credentials allow you to access the account data through the APIs as well as the Client Center. If you need to check if you have a Business User created or need to reset your password, you can navigate to ReachSecurePay ( and enter your email address. If you encounter the error message “Email Address is invalid” or “Email Address not found”, please contact your account management team. If you progress to the login screen, you can select “Create a new password” which will either send you a password reset email or allow you to set your password manually (this will only occur if your password has never been set).

Access to HIPAA data

The business user must have “Agency Customer” role to use the lead APIs. If the API response has PII and the advertiser falls under the HIPAA category, the API will check for this role in order to provide PII information in the response. Please reach your account team to check and/or edit privileges on your business user. Please follow the needed due diligence when adding HIPAA privileges to your business user account since the implications of it are far beyond API access to data. This control applies to APIs that provide data that are classified as HIPAA and protected by law.

API Rate Limits

LocaliQ enforces API rate limits for its REST APIs. Rate limit configuration consists of a per second request limit. Limits are set to 20 requests/second.

If you exceed the rate limit allowance, your request will be rejected. An HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)​ response will be returned. Clients must back off until the end of the current rate limit window before making any more requests.

Example response body for throttled request:

{ "message": "Too Many Requests" }

We reserve the right to alter rate limits and other functionality to prevent abuse, spam, denial-of-service attacks, or other security issues. Where possible, we'll return a descriptive error message, but the nature of this type of rate limiting often prevents us from providing more information.

Troubleshooting Errors

400 - Bad Request

Invalid Grant

Example Response

{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "The provided authorization credentials are invalid. Refer to documentation at for further information." }

Invalid grant error messages occurs when either:

To resolve this check your username and password for accuracy, then follow steps at Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens to request a new refresh token.

401 - Unauthorized

Example Response

{ "message": "Unauthorized" }

Unauthorized messages can occur when a request for a report endpoint is made using an expired token.

To resolve this, follow steps at Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens

403 - Forbidden

Example Response

{ "name": "not_authorized", "message": "You are not permitted to perform this action." }

HIPAA Permissions

The business user must be set up to allow access to HIPAA information to access HIPAA data through the API. You can reach your account team to check and/or edit privileges on your business user. Please follow the needed due diligence when adding HIPAA privileges to your business user account since the implications of it are far beyond API access to data.

This control applies to APIs that provide data that are classified as HIPAA and protected by law.

The business user must have "Agency Customer" role to use the lead APIs. If the API response has PII and the advertiser falls under the HIPAA category, the API will check for this role in order to provide PII information in the response.

Release Notes



API(s) Updated Description
N/A Internal API updates
Contact Interactions/Leads Added target_number


API(s) Updated Description
N/A Internal API updates
N/A Added shopping as a recognized campaign type
N/A Updated support and onboarding documentation
SocialAds Campaign Metrics Added purchase conversion metrics for shopping campaigns


API(s) Updated Description
Search Activity Chat metrics attributed to the campaigns were not updating.
Top Referrers Added campaign name to source objects
Marketing Activity Added bookings count to Marketing API
N/A Internal API updates


API(s) Updated Description
Marketing Activity Migrated microservice cloud provider with no changes other than greatly improved performance. Moved location in documentation.
Chat Summary Migrated microservice cloud provider with no changes other than greatly improved performance.
Top Referrer Migrated microservice cloud provider which necesitated a slight change in the URL path (noted in the documentation). The old URL path is deprecated and will be removed on June 1, 2023. The response body remains unchanged
Discovery This API was previously denoted as deprecated. It remains deprecated, and will be removed on June 1, 2023. The marketing activity API has the same information in an easier to understand format
Lead Events (LEFS) This API was previously denoted as deprecated. It remains deprecated, and will be removed on June 1, 2023. The contact interactions API has more information and an easier to understand format
N/A Refreshed branding of this site



API(s) Updated Description
Marketing Activity Added support for SMS channel
Contact Interactions Added support for SMS channel
XMO Metrics Added support for video channel
XMO Channel Metrics Added support for video channel



API(s) Updated Description
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Social Ads API update to report frequency only for daily intervals
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Campaign Overview API update to include just qualified web events in lead totals
Unified Display Update to limit the response to include metrics only from display publisdhers (SimpliFi, Gannet Ad Manager & Media Math)
Search Metrics Bug fix related to spend when Include_cycles param is 'False"
XMO Metrics New API for campaign performance metrics for the Cross Media Optimization (XMO) campaigns
XMO Channel Metrics New API for campaign performance metrics by channel (search, social etc.) for the Cross Media Optimization (XMO) campaigns
LocaliQ App on Zapier Upgrade. No change to functionality
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Search Metrics API update to include just qualified web events in lead totals
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Search Metrics API update to support a new key; qualified web events
Social Ads API updated to support additional age with gender breakdowns
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Search Metrics API update to support a new optional param;include_full_channel
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API


API(s) Updated Description
Social Ads API update to suppot a new optional param;include_full_channel
All APIs General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API
NA Fix to reset campaign name to name of the current cycle.
Identity General Performance Updates; no impact to the response or usuage of the API

Table of Contents

APIs are split into 3 main sections:

Reporting Metric APIs: Performance metrics on your campaigns

Lead Info APIs/Webhooks: Lead information such as details, counts, and CRM integrations

Deprecated APIs: APIs that are deprecated and no longer updated or maintained

Category API to use When you want
Identity Identity The identity endpoint is used to gain insight into the resources that are accessible by an advertiser. It will return advertisers that the user is authorized to retrieve data for, the active state of the advertisers, and the privilege details used to determine HIPAA access.
Campaigns Campaigns & Cycles List of campaigns and cycles for a given advertiser
Campaigns Campaigns Overview Total campaign performance metrics for all active campaigns in the last 30 days and basic metrics for all campaigns listed individually. This will include all types of campaign. It is best used as an “overview”
Campaigns Campaigns Totals Total lead count for all running campaigns type over the last 30 days
Display Display Campaign Metrics Detailed performance metrics for display campaigns including creatives metrics
Display GeoFence Campaign Metrics Detailed performance metrics for Geo Fence campaigns broken down by geofence and conversion fence
Search Search Campaign Metrics Detailed Performance metrics for search campaigns organized by campaigns. Includes device breakdown.
Search Keyword Performance Metrics Keywords with metrics on each of them for both search and site retargeting campaigns
Social SocialAds Campaign Metrics Detailed performance metrics for social campaigns (Facebook). Includes age, gender & device breakdown
Social YouTube Campaign Metrics Detailed performance metrics for social campaigns (You Tube)
XMO XMO Campaign Metrics Detailed performance metrics for Cross Media Optimization campaigns (XOM)
XMO XMO Channel Metrics Detailed performance metrics for Cross Media Optimization channels (XOM)
Traffic Metrics Top referrer Information on top referrers for both paid & organic traffic
Traffic Metrics Total Track Custom Tracking campaign metrics that have metrics on contacts from tracking phone number(s) and trackable URLs (Web & Phone)
Traffic Metrics Web Event Metrics Performance metric on pages that was selected as important by the advertiser; CVT or Web Events. Web Events can be pages that generate leads (Qualified web event) or pages that are informational and of value to the client (non-qualified web events)
Contact/Leads Contacts Contact information of every lead. HIPAA compatible; only authorized user will be able to retrieve data from this API. This API can be used for CRM integration purposes.
Contact/Leads Contact Interactions Contact information and interaction details of every lead. This API has ph call recording link, transcripts of emails, forms & chats. HIPAA compatible; only authorized user will be able to retrieve data from this API. This API can be used for CRM integration purposes.
Contact/Leads CRM Webhooks Self-service integration on Client Center through Edge. This web hook sends real time contact interaction details to receiver. This API can be used for CRM integration purposes.
Lead Metrics Marketing Activity Basic metrics organized by traffic; paid (LocaliQ & others) and organic
Lead Metrics Chat Summary Counts on chats received, types of changes from both LocaliQ and organic traffic
Lead Metrics Lead Details Lead (Calls, emails, web events, and chats) metric from all LocaliQ campaigns. This API also has number of calls broken down by call duration and time of day. This API does not have information on individual leads. Use the Contact and Contact Interactions API to retrieve details like name, transcripts, form information, etc.
Lead Metrics LSA Campaigns Local Service Ad Metrics by Campaign and Interval
Lead Metrics LSA Campaign Rollup Local Service Ads - Metric rollup by campaign
Lead Metrics LSA Lead Details Local Service Ads - Individual Leads for a date range
First Party Data Capture External Events Confirmed Calls First Party Data - Send LocaliQ high value call recording URLs
First Party Data Capture External Events Chat Local Service Ads - Send LocaliQ offline Chats that occur
Custom Integration FranConnect/Franchise Management Software If you are interested in this custom integration, please contact your account team (Offer #2095)

Identity APIs

Identity API

The identity endpoint is used to gain insight into the resources that are accessible by an advertiser. It will return advertisers that the user is authorized to retrieve data for, the active state of the advertisers, and the privilege details used to determine HIPAA access.

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /identities/v3?[params]


Get a list of advertisers filtered by query params. This endpoint also returns a list of possible business users that match the email address, in the case of multiple similar email addresses. The results of this query are cached for 15 minutes.


Param Required Description
user Yes Restricts the results to advertisers authorized for the given business user
business_id No The unique business id that this advertiser belongs to.
active_state No Array of active states that can include: 0: Advertiser not active. 1: Advertiser not active, but in grace period. 2: Advertiser is active
page No Return a specified page of results.
Default value: 1
page_size No Number of results per page
Default value: 5000

Response Data Details

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'
request["Accept"] = 'application/json'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  .addHeader("Accept", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "bu_id": 1,
    "user": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "business_id": 1,
    "country": "USA",
    "advertiser_count": 2,
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 5000,
    "authorized_advertisers": [
            "name": "Test Advertiser 1",
            "gmaid": "TEST_1",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": false,
            "business_id": 1,
            "business_name": "Test Name 1",
            "business_user_id": 1,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 1,
            "active_state": 2,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
            "name": "Test Advertiser 2",
            "gmaid": "TEST_2",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": true,
            "business_id": 2,
            "business_name": "Test Name 2",
            "business_user_id": 2,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 2,
            "active_state": 2,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
    "users": [
            "platform": "TEST",
            "buid": 1,
            "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "business_id": 2,
            "name": "test",
            "privilege_level": 3
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "bu_id": 1,
    "user": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "business_id": 1,
    "country": "USA",
    "advertiser_count": 2,
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 5000,
    "authorized_advertisers": [
            "name": "Test Advertiser 1",
            "gmaid": "TEST_1",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": false,
            "business_id": 15,
            "business_name": "Test Name 1",
            "business_user_id": 1,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 1,
            "active_state": 2,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
            "name": "Test Advertiser 2",
            "gmaid": "TEST_2",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": true,
            "business_id": 15,
            "business_name": "Test Name 2",
            "business_user_id": 2,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 2,
            "active_state": 2,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
    "users": [
            "platform": "TEST",
            "buid": 1,
            "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "business_id": 2,
            "name": "test",
            "privilege_level": 3
curl --request GET \
  --url[]=0 \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "bu_id": 1,
    "user": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
    "business_id": 1,
    "country": "USA",
    "advertiser_count": 2,
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 5000,
    "authorized_advertisers": [
            "name": "Test Advertiser 1",
            "gmaid": "TEST_1",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": false,
            "business_id": 1,
            "business_name": "Test Name 1",
            "business_user_id": 1,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 1,
            "active_state": 0,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
            "name": "Test Advertiser 2",
            "gmaid": "TEST_2",
            "platform": "TEST",
            "hipaa_protected": true,
            "business_id": 2,
            "business_name": "Test Name 2",
            "business_user_id": 2,
            "privilege_level": 3,
            "advertiser_id": 2,
            "active_state": 0,
            "cobrand_id": 1123213,
            "cobrand_name": "test"
    "users": [
            "platform": "TEST",
            "buid": 1,
            "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS",
            "business_id": 2,
            "name": "test",
            "privilege_level": 3

The body of the API response will be a JSON object.

Field Name Datatype Description
bu_id Number The unique business user id.
user String The email address of the business user.
business_id Number The unique business id that this business user belongs to.
country String The region that this business user belongs.
advertiser_count String The region that this business user belongs.
page String The region that this business user belongs.
page_size String The region that this business user belongs.
authorized_advertisers Array An array of JSON advertiser objects.
users Array An array of JSON user objects.

Authorized Advertiser

Advertiser Field Name Datatype Description
name String The name of the advertiser.
platform String The platform for the advertiser.
gmaid String The global master advertiser id of the advertiser.
hipaa_protected String The advertiser's HIPAA protection status
business_id Number The unique business id that this advertiser belongs to.
business_name Number The business name of this advertiser.
business_user_id Number The unique business_user id that is the primary user for this advertiser.
privilege_level Number privilege level.
advertiser_id Number The advertiser_id for this advertiser. Not necessarily the same as the numerical portion of the gmaid.
active_state Number 0: Advertiser not active. 1: Advertiser not active, but in grace period. 2: Advertiser is active.
cobrand_name Number Name given to a collection of of business or BID. This is an internal LocaliQ data construct used to aggregate like businesses e.g. partner, Gannett etc.
cobrand_id Number An ID used to uniquely identify a cobrand.


Advertiser Field Name Datatype Description
platform String The platform for the advertiser.
bu_id Number The unique business user id.
email String The global master advertiser id of the advertiser.
business_id Number The unique business id that this business user belongs to.
name String The name of the user.
privilege_level Number privilege level of the business user. PL3 is required to access HIPAA protected data.

Reporting Metric APIs

Campaigns APIs

Campaigns & Cycles

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/campaigns/[gmaid]?[query_params]

A list of filtered Campaigns, Campaign Cycles, and goals for a given report type and advertiser. (Cycles are not included for keyword_report)

If using the campaigns_overview report_type, all campaign data for the account will be provided including both Paid Media and Offer-based campaigns.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required? Function
report_type Required Only campaigns appropriate for this type of report will be returned. Allowed values are facebook_campaign, display_activity, search_activity, youtube, campaigns_overview, keyword, google_keyword, geofence_summary, cvt, wpc and addressable_geofence
global_master_campaign_id[] Optional Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns
campaign_status[] Optional Restrict results to campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific report_type

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific report_type as well as for running and stopped campaigns

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "advertiser_name": "Advertiser (Demo)",
    "advertiser_code": "demo",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "report_campaigns": [
            "name": "Gannett Display Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_-25",
            "campaign_type": "display",
            "organization": "gannett",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": true,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "offer_name": "Gannett Display",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_-26",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Gannett Display Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Display Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",
            "campaign_type": "display",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "bidding_pricing_model_id": 8,
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": true,
            "has_video": true,
            "offer_name": "Targeted Display",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_2",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Display Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_4",
            "campaign_type": "search",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": true,
            "has_video": true,
            "offer_name": "Search Engine Marketing",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_5",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": []
            "name": "Chat Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_19",
            "campaign_type": "chat",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": true,
            "has_video": false,
            "offer_name": "Live Chat",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_20",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Chat Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Facebook Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_22",
            "campaign_type": "facebook",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "offer_name": null,
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_23",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Facebook Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Geofence Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_28",
            "campaign_type": "display",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "offer_name": "ReachDisplay GeoFence",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_29",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Geofence Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Youtube Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_31",
            "campaign_type": "youtube",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "offer_name": "YouTube Advertising",
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_32",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Youtube Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_37",
            "campaign_type": "xmedia",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_38",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name": "Email Campaign (Demo)",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_33",
            "campaign_type": "email",
            "organization": "reachlocal",
            "status": "running",
            "has_addressable_geofence": false,
            "has_cvt": false,
            "has_video": false,
            "cycles": [
                    "campaign_cycle": "TEST_34",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "end_date": null,
                    "name": "Email Campaign (Demo)"
            "goals": [
                    "goal_type_id": 2,
                    "goal_type": "CPL"
            "name":"Shopping Campaign (Demo)",
                 "name":"Shopping Campaign (Demo)"
Field Name Datatype Description
advertiser_name String Name of advertiser
advertiser_code String Non-unique identifier used for internal purposes
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser
report_campaigns Object Report Campaigns Object

Report Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Name of campaign
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
campaign_type String Type of campaign
organization String Organization
status String Status of campaign
bidding_pricing_model_id Integer The id which will be used to filter the sub type of top search campaign (shown only for search campaigns)
has_addressable_geofence Boolean True or False
has_cvt Boolean True or False
has_video Boolean True or False
offer_name String Campaign offer name
cycles Object Cycles Object
goals Object Goals Object

Cycles Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaign_cycle String Identifier for campaign cycle
start_date String Start date of campaign cycle
end_date String End date of campaign cycle
name String Name of campaign cycle

Goals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
goal_type_id String Identifier for campaign goal type
goal_type String Name(Type) of goal type

Campaigns Overview

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/campaigns_overview/[gmaid]

Use GET to retrieve the Campaigns Overview Report,

The data returned will include campaign performance metrics for the last 30 days and a campaign list with additional details and breakdowns per cycle. Campaign are limited to those that have had activity within the previous year. This means that a campaign that ended 13 months prior will not be included in the campaign list section.

The performance metrics for the last 30 days are across all running campaigns and will include:

The campaign list section will list all (running, stopped and ended) campaigns with the following information for each campaign in the list:

All campaign data for the account will be provided including both Paid Media and Offer-based campaigns.



Response Data Details 

The following command returns an example JSON structure:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "report_type": "campaigns_overview",
    "report_date": "2020-11-05",
    "start_date": "2019-11-05",
    "end_date": "2020-11-05",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Email Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_7025",
                "type": "email",
                "source": "Targeted Email",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_7034",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "clicks": 731,
                        "leads": 631,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0,
                        "opens": 1449
                "name": "Lsa Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_7008",
                "type": "lsa",
                "source": "Local Services Ads",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_7015",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 0,
                        "clicks": 0,
                        "leads": 0,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6954",
                "type": "xmedia",
                "source": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6963",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26209,
                        "clicks": 322,
                        "leads": 629,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Email Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_207085",
                "type": "email",
                "source": "Targeted Email",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_207086",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "impressions": 3568,
                        "clicks": 56,
                        "leads": 83,
                        "spend": 75.0,
                        "budget": 500.0,
                        "quantity": 50000,
                        "views": 6591,
                        "opens": 6591
                "name": "Youtube Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6938",
                "type": "youtube",
                "source": "YouTube Advertising",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6942",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26978,
                        "clicks": 325,
                        "leads": 624,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Geofence Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6934",
                "type": "display",
                "source": "ReachDisplay GeoFence",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6936",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26598,
                        "clicks": 309,
                        "leads": 640,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Facebook Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6921",
                "type": "facebook",
                "source": "Facebook",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6922",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 25288,
                        "clicks": 304,
                        "leads": 640,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Chat Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6918",
                "type": "chat",
                "source": "Live Chat",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6919",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 27323,
                        "clicks": 332,
                        "leads": 638,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Other Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6915",
                "type": "other",
                "source": "Organic Traffic",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6916",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26601,
                        "clicks": 332,
                        "leads": 627,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6912",
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "source": "Campaign Tracking Only (TotalTrack)",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6913",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 25728,
                        "clicks": 326,
                        "leads": 634,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6909",
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "source": "Campaign Tracking Only (TotalTrack)",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6910",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 25202,
                        "clicks": 312,
                        "leads": 634,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Totaltrack Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6906",
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "source": "Campaign Tracking Only (TotalTrack)",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6907",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26799,
                        "clicks": 323,
                        "leads": 626,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6903",
                "type": "search",
                "source": "Search Engine Marketing",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "bidding_pricing_model_id": 8,
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6904",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 26329,
                        "clicks": 335,
                        "leads": 613,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Display Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_6900",
                "type": "display",
                "source": "Targeted Display",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_6901",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": "2020-11-03",
                        "impressions": 25701,
                        "clicks": 309,
                        "leads": 614,
                        "spend": 500.0,
                        "budget": 500.0
                "name": "Gannett Display Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_-6924",
                "type": "gannett_display",
                "source": "Gannett Display",
                "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                "end_date": null,
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_-6925",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-15",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "impressions": 26743,
                        "clicks": 332,
                        "leads": null,
                        "spend": 0.0,
                        "budget": 0.0
                "name":"Shopping Campaign (Demo)",
                "end_dat": null,
                        "impressions": 0,
                        "clicks": 0,
                        "leads": null,
                        "spend": 0.0,
                        "budget": 0.0
        "totals": {
            "calls": 1921,
            "chats": 1861,
            "clicks": 3861,
            "emails": 1877,
            "web_events": 1891,
            "impressions": 315499,
            "qualified_web_events": 1291
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Type of report
report_date String Date report ran
start_date String Start Date
end_date String End Date
time_zone String Time Zone of Data
currency String Currency of report
report_data Object Report Data Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
totals Object Object of totals details. Totals Object
campaigns Array Array of campaigns with campaign details. Campaigns Object

Totals Object (Running campaign performance totals for the last 30 days )

Field Name Datatype Description
impressions Integer Total impressions
clicks Integer Total click events
calls Integer Total call events
emails Integer Total email events
web_events Integer Total web events
qualified_web_events Integer Total lead generating CVT or Web Event
chats Integer Total chat generated by paid traffic

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign name
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
type String Type of campaign
source String Source of campaign
currency String Type of currency used
start_date String Start date for campaign
end_date String End date for campaign
status String campaign status
bidding_pricing_model_id Integer The id which will be used to filter the sub type of top search campaign (shown only for search campaigns)
cycles Object Data for cycles. Cycles Object

Cycles Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaign_cycle String Identifier for cycle
start_date String Start date for cycle
end_date String End date for cycle
impressions Integer Total Impressions for cycle (N/A for Email Campaigns)
clicks Integer Total Clicks for cycle
leads Integer Total Leads for cycle
spend Integer Total Spend/Cost of cycle
budget Integer Total Budget of cycle
opens Integer Total Opens for cycle (Email Campaigns Only)
quantity Integer Total Quantity for cycle. (Email Campaigns Only)
views Integer Total Views of cycle. (Email Campaigns Only)

Campaigns Totals

Resource Overview  

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/campaigns_totals/[gmaid]

The data returned will include count of running campaigns and leads for all campaign types over the last 30 days.



Response Data Details  

The following command returns an example JSON structure:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "report_type": "campaigns_totals",
    "report_date": "2020-10-12",
    "start_date": "2020-09-12",
    "end_date": "2020-10-12",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": 13,
        "leads": 1009
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Type of report
report_date String Date report ran
start_date String Start Date
end_date String End Date
time_zone String Time Zone of Data
report_data Object ReportData Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

ReportData Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns String Total running campaigns
leads String Total leads for all campaigns

Display APIs

Display Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/unified_display/[gmaid]?[query_params]

This is a Display Metrics API that can be used by customers that have Display campaigns from either the LocaliQ or Gannett brand. Data is returned for a GMAID for a specific date range determined by start_date and end_date. Data can also be returned in specified intervals by using the interval_size param. The requirements for these parameters are described below. All metrics are reported at the creative level, and aggregated at the Interval/Campaign level for LocaliQ brand or Line Item level for the Gannett brand. When data is unavailable, corresponding property will not be present in the response. For example, if we do not have data for a creative_type or creative_size, it will not be present in the response.

Note: Please note in some cases, the response might not have all of the creatives used in the campaign. This scenario is apparent when the total metrics for the campaign does not match the sum of the same metrics across every creative within the campaigns.

We recommend you use the campaign totals from the response when reporting at the campaign level since it will include the creatives that may be missing in the response.

Note: We recommend that users migrate to this API instead of using the Display Activity API and Display Creative API, as they will no longer be updated.

Note: MOAT metrics are not supported after December 31, 2019. Any requests for date ranges after this will not include MOAT metrics. Date ranges that span beyond December 31, 2019 will show calculations based on start_date through December 31, 2019.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Parameter Required Description
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
interval_size No Specifies the type of interval: none, day, calendar_week, or calendar_month
Default value: none
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_type[] Restrict results to all campaigns of given type. Valid values are display, gannett_display, xmedia
include_full_channel Optional, default: false. Includes all metrics for the display channel. Xmedia campaigns will only contain metrics that belong to the display channel, rather than full campaign metrics.

Response Data Details 

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data with intervals

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "api_name": "unified_display",
    "api_run_date": "2020-12-18",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-11-01",
    "start_date": "2020-12-12",
    "end_date": "2020-12-13",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "advertiser_name": "Advertiser (Demo)",
    "report_data": {
        "totals": {
            "clicks": 152.0,
            "impressions": 13560.0,
            "ctr": 1.12,
            "video_full_screen": 43.0,
            "video_mute": 20.0,
            "video_unmute": 33.0,
            "video_pause": 20.0,
            "video_resume": 33.0,
            "video_views": 71.0,
            "total_conversions": 90.0,
            "click_through_conversions": 64.0,
            "view_through_conversions": 107.0,
            "video_played_to_25_pct": 23.0,
            "video_played_to_50_pct": 33.0,
            "video_played_to_75_pct": 43.0,
            "completed_views": 53.0,
            "video_complete_rate": 74.65,
            "view_thru_rate": 0.39
        "intervals": [
                "start_date": "2020-12-12",
                "clicks": 75.0,
                "impressions": 6882.0,
                "ctr": 1.09,
                "video_full_screen": 20.0,
                "video_mute": 10.0,
                "video_unmute": 15.0,
                "video_pause": 10.0,
                "video_resume": 15.0,
                "video_views": 34.0,
                "total_conversions": 40.0,
                "click_through_conversions": 37.0,
                "view_through_conversions": 38.0,
                "video_played_to_25_pct": 10.0,
                "video_played_to_50_pct": 15.0,
                "video_played_to_75_pct": 20.0,
                "completed_views": 25.0,
                "video_complete_rate": 73.53,
                "view_thru_rate": 0.36
                "start_date": "2020-12-13",
                "clicks": 77.0,
                "impressions": 6678.0,
                "ctr": 1.15,
                "video_full_screen": 23.0,
                "video_mute": 10.0,
                "video_unmute": 18.0,
                "video_pause": 10.0,
                "video_resume": 18.0,
                "video_views": 37.0,
                "total_conversions": 50.0,
                "click_through_conversions": 27.0,
                "view_through_conversions": 69.0,
                "video_played_to_25_pct": 13.0,
                "video_played_to_50_pct": 18.0,
                "video_played_to_75_pct": 23.0,
                "completed_views": 28.0,
                "video_complete_rate": 75.68,
                "view_thru_rate": 0.42
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Display Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1932587",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "start_date": "2020-11-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "display",
                "status": "running",
                "spend": 50.0,
                "impressions": 2649.0,
                "clicks": 31.0,
                "form_submissions_ct": 15.0,
                "form_submissions_vt": 28.0,
                "priority_page_views_ct": 19.0,
                "priority_page_views_vt": 14.0,
                "website_visits_vt": 13.0,
                "walk_ins": 0.0,
                "ctr": 1.17,
                "cpm": 18.88,
                "cpc": 1.61,
                "cost_per_submission": 1.16,
                "div": 44.0,
                "cpdiv": 1.14,
                "video_full_screen": 11.0,
                "video_mute": 4.0,
                "video_unmute": 9.0,
                "video_pause": 4.0,
                "video_resume": 9.0,
                "video_views": 11.0,
                "total_conversions": 18.0,
                "click_through_conversions": 44.0,
                "view_through_conversions": 55.0,
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                                "view_through_conversions": 9.0,
                                "video_played_to_25_pct": 2.0,
                                "video_played_to_50_pct": 3.0,
                                "video_played_to_75_pct": 4.0,
                                "completed_views": 5.0,
                                "video_complete_rate": 71.43,
                                "view_thru_rate": 3.68
                "name": "Line Item (Demo) 2",
                "line_item_id": 2,
                "organization": "gannett",
                "impressions": 1647.0,
                "clicks": 20.0,
                "total_active_time_view": 653.02,
                "ctr": 1.21,
                "video_full_screen": 16.0,
                "video_mute": 8.0,
                "video_unmute": 12.0,
                "video_pause": 8.0,
                "video_resume": 12.0,
                "video_views": 34.0,
                "total_conversions": 36.0,
                "click_through_conversions": 10.0,
                "view_through_conversions": 26.0,
                "video_played_to_25_pct": 8.0,
                "video_played_to_50_pct": 12.0,
                "video_played_to_75_pct": 16.0,
                "completed_views": 20.0,
                "video_complete_rate": 58.82,
                "view_thru_rate": 1.21,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-12-12",
                        "impressions": 904.0,
                        "clicks": 10.0,
                        "total_active_time_view": 120.53,
                        "ctr": 1.11,
                        "video_full_screen": 8.0,
                        "video_mute": 4.0,
                        "video_unmute": 6.0,
                        "video_pause": 4.0,
                        "video_resume": 6.0,
                        "video_views": 15.0,
                        "total_conversions": 16.0,
                        "click_through_conversions": 8.0,
                        "view_through_conversions": 8.0,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 4.0,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 6.0,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 8.0,
                        "completed_views": 10.0,
                        "video_complete_rate": 66.67,
                        "view_thru_rate": 1.11
                        "start_date": "2020-12-13",
                        "impressions": 743.0,
                        "clicks": 10.0,
                        "total_active_time_view": 532.48,
                        "ctr": 1.35,
                        "video_full_screen": 8.0,
                        "video_mute": 4.0,
                        "video_unmute": 6.0,
                        "video_pause": 4.0,
                        "video_resume": 6.0,
                        "video_views": 19.0,
                        "total_conversions": 20.0,
                        "click_through_conversions": 2.0,
                        "view_through_conversions": 18.0,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 4.0,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 6.0,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 8.0,
                        "completed_views": 10.0,
                        "video_complete_rate": 52.63,
                        "view_thru_rate": 1.35
                "creatives": [
                        "creative_id": 1,
                        "publisher_id": 2117,
                        "publisher_name": "DoubleClick",
                        "name": "Creative (Demo) 1",
                        "impressions": 425.0,
                        "clicks": 7.0,
                        "total_active_time_view": 231.67,
                        "ctr": 1.65,
                        "video_full_screen": 8.0,
                        "video_mute": 4.0,
                        "video_unmute": 6.0,
                        "video_pause": 4.0,
                        "video_resume": 6.0,
                        "video_views": 14.0,
                        "total_conversions": 18.0,
                        "click_through_conversions": 5.0,
                        "view_through_conversions": 13.0,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 4.0,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 6.0,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 8.0,
                        "completed_views": 10.0,
                        "video_complete_rate": 71.43,
                        "view_thru_rate": 2.35,
                        "intervals": [
                                "start_date": "2020-12-12",
                                "impressions": 125.0,
                                "clicks": 5.0,
                                "total_active_time_view": 16.67,
                                "ctr": 4.0,
                                "video_full_screen": 4.0,
                                "video_mute": 2.0,
                                "video_unmute": 3.0,
                                "video_pause": 2.0,
                                "video_resume": 3.0,
                                "video_views": 5.0,
                                "total_conversions": 8.0,
                                "click_through_conversions": 4.0,
                                "view_through_conversions": 4.0,
                                "video_played_to_25_pct": 2.0,
                                "video_played_to_50_pct": 3.0,
                                "video_played_to_75_pct": 4.0,
                                "completed_views": 5.0,
                                "video_complete_rate": 100.0,
                                "view_thru_rate": 4.0
                                "start_date": "2020-12-13",
                                "impressions": 300.0,
                                "clicks": 2.0,
                                "total_active_time_view": 215.0,
                                "ctr": 0.67,
                                "video_full_screen": 4.0,
                                "video_mute": 2.0,
                                "video_unmute": 3.0,
                                "video_pause": 2.0,
                                "video_resume": 3.0,
                                "video_views": 9.0,
                                "total_conversions": 10.0,
                                "click_through_conversions": 1.0,
                                "view_through_conversions": 9.0,
                                "video_played_to_25_pct": 2.0,
                                "video_played_to_50_pct": 3.0,
                                "video_played_to_75_pct": 4.0,
                                "completed_views": 5.0,
                                "video_complete_rate": 55.56,
                                "view_thru_rate": 1.67
                        "creative_id": 2,
                        "publisher_id": 2117,
                        "publisher_name": "DoubleClick",
                        "name": "Creative (Demo) 2",
                        "impressions": 1222.0,
                        "clicks": 13.0,
                        "total_active_time_view": 421.35,
                        "ctr": 1.06,
                        "video_full_screen": 8.0,
                        "video_mute": 4.0,
                        "video_unmute": 6.0,
                        "video_pause": 4.0,
                        "video_resume": 6.0,
                        "video_views": 20.0,
                        "total_conversions": 18.0,
                        "click_through_conversions": 5.0,
                        "view_through_conversions": 13.0,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 4.0,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 6.0,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 8.0,
                        "completed_views": 10.0,
                        "video_complete_rate": 50.0,
                        "view_thru_rate": 0.82,
                        "intervals": [
                                "start_date": "2020-12-12",
                                "impressions": 779.0,
                                "clicks": 5.0,
                                "total_active_time_view": 103.87,
                                "ctr": 0.64,
                                "video_full_screen": 4.0,
                                "video_mute": 2.0,
                                "video_unmute": 3.0,
                                "video_pause": 2.0,
                                "video_resume": 3.0,
                                "video_views": 10.0,
                                "total_conversions": 8.0,
                                "click_through_conversions": 4.0,
                                "view_through_conversions": 4.0,
                                "video_played_to_25_pct": 2.0,
                                "video_played_to_50_pct": 3.0,
                                "video_played_to_75_pct": 4.0,
                                "completed_views": 5.0,
                                "video_complete_rate": 50.0,
                                "view_thru_rate": 0.64
                                "start_date": "2020-12-13",
                                "impressions": 443.0,
                                "clicks": 8.0,
                                "total_active_time_view": 317.48,
                                "ctr": 1.81,
                                "video_full_screen": 4.0,
                                "video_mute": 2.0,
                                "video_unmute": 3.0,
                                "video_pause": 2.0,
                                "video_resume": 3.0,
                                "video_views": 10.0,
                                "total_conversions": 10.0,
                                "click_through_conversions": 1.0,
                                "view_through_conversions": 9.0,
                                "video_played_to_25_pct": 2.0,
                                "video_played_to_50_pct": 3.0,
                                "video_played_to_75_pct": 4.0,
                                "completed_views": 5.0,
                                "video_complete_rate": 50.0,
                                "view_thru_rate": 1.13
Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String How far back data is available
start_date String Start Date
end_date String End Date
time_zone String Time Zone of Data
interval_size String Interval Size (none, day, calendar_week, or calendar_month)
currency String Currency for Advertiser
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for Advertiser
advertiser_name String Name of Advertiser
report_data Object Report Data Object (with Line Items) or Report Data Object (with Campaigns)

Report Data Object (with Line Items)

Field Name Datatype Description
totals Object Object of totals details. Totals Object
intervals Object Object of intervals details. Intervals Object
campaigns Object Object of campaigns details. Campaigns Object
line_items Object Object of line items details. Line Items Object

Report Data Object (with Campaigns)

Field Name Datatype Description
totals Object Object of totals details. Totals Object
campaigns Object Object of campaigns details. Campaigns Object
line_items Object Object of line items details. Line Items Object

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
clicks Integer Total clicks
impressions Integer Total impressions
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
The field is nullable
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Number of Completed Views
The field is nullable
video_complete_rate Float Rate of Video Completion vs Partial Views
The field is nullable
view_thru_rate Float View-Through Rate
The field is nullable

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start Date of interval
clicks Integer Number of clicks for interval
impressions Integer Number of impressions for interval
ctr Float Click-through Rate for interval
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
The field is nullable
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Number of Completed Views
The field is nullable
video_complete_rate Float Rate of Video Completion vs Partial Views
The field is nullable
view_thru_rate Float View-Through Rate
The field is nullable

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String Unique Identifier for Campaign
organization String Either reachlocal or gannett
start_date String Campaign Start Date
end_date String Campaign End Date
The field is nullable
type String Type of Campaign
status String Status of Campaign
spend Float Total Spend for Campaign
impressions Float Total Impressions for Campaign
clicks Float Total Clicks for Campaign
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Campaign
cpm Float Overall Click Per Thousand Impressions for Campaign
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Campaign
walk_ins Float Total Walk-ins for Campaign
cost_per_view Float Total Cost Per View for Campaign
form_submissions_ct Float Total For Submission Click Through for Campaign
form_submissions_vt Float Total Form Submission View Through for Campaign
website_visits_vt Float Total Website Visits View Through for Campaign
cost_per_submission Float Total Cost Per Submission for Campaign
priority_page_views_ct Float Total Priority Page View Click Through for Campaign
priority_page_views_vt Float Total Priority Page View Through for Campaign
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Total Completed Views for Campaign
video_complete_rate Float Total Video Completion Rate
view_thru_rate Float Total View-Through Rate
cost_per_view Float Cost per View
div Float Display-Influenced Visits
cpdiv Float Cost per Display-Influenced Visit
creatives Object Object of creatives details. Campaign Creatives Object

Line Items Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Name of Line Item
line_item_id Int Identifier of Line Item
organization String Either reachlocal or gannett
impressions Int Total Impressions for Line Item
clicks Int Total Clicks for Line Item
total_active_time_view Float Total Time (minutes) the ad was viewed by a consumers
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Line Item
universal_interaction_rate Float Overall Universal Interaction Rate for Line Item (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
universal_interaction_time Float Overall Universal Interaction Time for Line Item (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
hover_rate Float Hover Rate for Line Item (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
attention_quality Float Attention Quality for Line Item (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
intervals Object Object of line items intervals. Line Item Intervals Object
creatives Object Object of line items creatives. Line Item Creatives Object

Line Items Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String ==
impressions Integer Total Impressions for Interval
clicks Integer Total Clicks for Interval
total_active_time_view Float Total Time (minutes) the ad was viewed by a consumers
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Interval
universal_interaction_rate Float Overall Universal Interaction Rate for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
universal_interaction_time Float Overall Universal Interaction Time for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
hover_rate Float Hover Rate for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
attention_quality Float Attention Quality for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
The field is nullable
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Number of Completed Views
The field is nullable
video_complete_rate Float Rate of Video Completion vs Partial Views
The field is nullable
view_thru_rate Float View-Through Rate
The field is nullable
cost_per_view Float Cost per View

Line Items Creatives Object

Field Name Datatype Description
creative_id String Identifier for Creative
publisher_id String Identifier for Publisher
publisher_name String Name of Publisher
name String Name of Creative
creative_size String Size of Creative
preview_url String Preview URL for creative
impressions Integer Total Impressions for Creative
clicks Integer Total Clicks for Creative
total_active_time_view Float Total Time (minutes) the ad was viewed by a consumers
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Creative
universal_interaction_rate Float Overall Universal Interaction Rate for Creative (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
universal_interaction_time Float Overall Universal Interaction Time for Creative (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
hover_rate Float Hover Rate for Creative (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
attention_quality Float Attention Quality for Creative (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
The field is nullable
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Number of Completed Views
The field is nullable
video_complete_rate Float Rate of Video Completion vs Partial Views
The field is nullable
view_thru_rate Float View-Through Rate
The field is nullable
cost_per_view Float Cost per View
intervals Object Object of line items creatives intervals. Line Items Creatives Intervals Object

Campaign Creatives Object

Field Name Datatype Description
creative_id Integer Identifier for Creative
publisher_id Integer Identifier for Publisher
publisher_name String Name of Publisher
creative_name String Name of Creative
The field is nullable
creative_type String Type of Creative
creative_template_id Integer The template id of the creative (Used for paramount creatives)
native_style_id Integer The native style id of the creative (Used for paramount creatives)
creative_size String Size of Creative
preview_url String Preview URL for creative
spend Float Total Spend for Campaign
impressions Float Total Impressions for Interval
clicks Float Total Clicks for Interval
total_active_time_view Float Total Time (minutes) the ad was viewed by a consumers
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Interval
cpm Float Overall Click Per Thousand Impressions for Interval
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Interval
walk_ins Float Total Walk-ins for Interval
cost_per_view Float Total Cost Per View for Campaign
form_submissions_ct Float Total For Submission Click Through for Campaign
form_submissions_vt Float Total Form Submission View Through for Campaign
website_visits_vt Float Total Website Visits View Through for Campaign
cost_per_submission Float Total Cost Per Submission for Campaign
priority_page_views_ct Float Total Priority Page View Click Through for Campaign
priority_page_views_vt Float Total Priority Page View Through for Campaign
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Float Total Completed Views for Campaign
video_complete_rate Float Total Video Completion Rate
view_thru_rate Float Total View-Through Rate
cost_per_view Float Cost per View
div Float Display-Influenced Visits
cpdiv Float Cost per Display-Influenced Visit

Line Items Creatives Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start Date of Interval
impressions Integer Total Impressions for Interval
clicks Integer Total Clicks for Interval
total_active_time_view Float Total Time (minutes) the ad was viewed by a consumers
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate of Interval
universal_interaction_rate Float Overall Universal Interaction Rate for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
universal_interaction_time Float Overall Universal Interaction Time for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
hover_rate Float Hover Rate for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
attention_quality Float Attention Quality for Interval (This MOAT metric was deprecated on 12-31-2019)
video_full_screen Float Number of Full-Screen Video Views
The field is nullable
video_mute Float Number of Muted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_unmute Float Number of Unmuted Video Views
The field is nullable
video_pause Float Number of Paused Video Views
The field is nullable
video_resume Float Number of Resumed Video Views
The field is nullable
video_views Float Number of Video Views
The field is nullable
total_conversions Float Number of Conversions
The field is nullable
click_through_conversions Float Number of Click-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
view_through_conversions Float Number of View-Through Conversions
The field is nullable
video_played_to_25_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 25 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_50_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 50 percent
The field is nullable
video_played_to_75_pct Float Number of Video Views Played to 75 percent
The field is nullable
completed_views Floates Number of Completed Views
The field is nullable
video_complete_rate Float Rate of Video Completion vs Partial Views
The field is nullable
view_thru_rate Float View-Through Rate
The field is nullable
cost_per_view Float Cost per View

GeoFence Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/geofence_summary/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the GeoFence Summary Report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include impressions, walk_ins, ctr, clicks, cpc, cpw, cpm, and spend organized by campaign and broken down by geofence and conversion_fence.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
geofence[] Restrict results to the given geofence ids. Geofence ids can be found in the available_geofences section. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: geofence[]=1,2
conversion_fence[] Restrict results to the given conversion fence ids. Conversion Fence ids can be found in the available_conversion_fences section. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: conversion_fence[]=1,2

Note: Maximum date range for this API is 31 days.

Response Data Details:

Retrieve data for a specific range of datesß

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for specific geofences and conversion_fences

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=1,2&conversion_fence[]=1,2&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Example Response

    "report_type": "geofence_summary",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Geofence Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368571",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "display",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1136,
                        "walk_ins": 17,
                        "ctr": 0.88,
                        "clicks": 10,
                        "cpc": 2.5,
                        "cpw": 1.47,
                        "cpm": 22.01,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "geofences": [
                                "impressions": 522,
                                "walk_ins": 10,
                                "ctr": 0.57,
                                "clicks": 3,
                                "cpc": 2.1,
                                "cpw": 0.63,
                                "cpm": 12.06,
                                "spend": 6.29,
                                "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                "geofence_id": 1,
                                "conversion_fences": [
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 6,
                                        "cpw": 0.13,
                                        "spend": 0.79
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 4,
                                        "cpw": 1.38,
                                        "spend": 5.51
                                "impressions": 614,
                                "walk_ins": 7,
                                "ctr": 1.14,
                                "clicks": 7,
                                "cpc": 2.67,
                                "cpw": 2.67,
                                "cpm": 30.47,
                                "spend": 18.71,
                                "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                "geofence_id": 2,
                                "conversion_fences": [
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 4,
                                        "cpw": 1.53,
                                        "spend": 6.11
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 3,
                                        "cpw": 4.2,
                                        "spend": 12.6
                        "conversion_fences": [
                                "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                "walk_ins": 10,
                                "geofences": [
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                        "geofence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 6,
                                        "cpw": 0.13
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                        "geofence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 4,
                                        "cpw": 1.53
                                "cpw": 0.69
                                "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                "walk_ins": 7,
                                "geofences": [
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                        "geofence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 4,
                                        "cpw": 1.38
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                        "geofence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 3,
                                        "cpw": 4.2
                                "cpw": 2.59
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368577",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "xmedia",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 200,
                        "walk_ins": 30,
                        "ctr": 1,
                        "clicks": 2,
                        "cpc": 2.08,
                        "cpw": 0.14,
                        "cpm": 20.83,
                        "spend": 4.17,
                        "geofences": [
                                "impressions": 30,
                                "walk_ins": 11,
                                "ctr": 0,
                                "clicks": 0,
                                "cpc": 0,
                                "cpw": 0.11,
                                "cpm": 41.74,
                                "spend": 1.25,
                                "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                "geofence_id": 1,
                                "conversion_fences": [
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 5,
                                        "cpw": 0.01,
                                        "spend": 0.07
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 6,
                                        "cpw": 0.2,
                                        "spend": 1.18
                                "impressions": 170,
                                "walk_ins": 19,
                                "ctr": 1.18,
                                "clicks": 2,
                                "cpc": 1.46,
                                "cpw": 0.15,
                                "cpm": 17.14,
                                "spend": 2.91,
                                "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                "geofence_id": 2,
                                "conversion_fences": [
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 10,
                                        "cpw": 0.08,
                                        "spend": 0.78
                                        "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                        "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 9,
                                        "cpw": 0.24,
                                        "spend": 2.14
                        "conversion_fences": [
                                "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1",
                                "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                                "walk_ins": 15,
                                "geofences": [
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                        "geofence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 5,
                                        "cpw": 0.01
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                        "geofence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 10,
                                        "cpw": 0.08
                                "cpw": 0.06
                                "name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2",
                                "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                                "walk_ins": 15,
                                "geofences": [
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 1",
                                        "geofence_id": 1,
                                        "walk_ins": 6,
                                        "cpw": 0.2
                                        "name": "Geofence (Demo) 2",
                                        "geofence_id": 2,
                                        "walk_ins": 9,
                                        "cpw": 0.24
                                "cpw": 0.22
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "impressions": 1336,
                "walk_ins": 47,
                "ctr": 0.9,
                "clicks": 12,
                "cpc": 2.43,
                "cpw": 0.62,
                "cpm": 21.83,
                "spend": 29.17
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1336,
            "walk_ins": 47,
            "ctr": 0.9,
            "clicks": 12,
            "cpc": 2.43,
            "cpw": 0.62,
            "cpm": 21.83,
            "spend": 29.17
        "available_geofences": [
                "geofence_id": 1,
                "geofence_name": "Geofence (Demo) 1"
                "geofence_id": 2,
                "geofence_name": "Geofence (Demo) 2"
        "available_conversion_fences": [
                "conversion_fence_id": 1,
                "conversion_fence_name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 1"
                "conversion_fence_id": 2,
                "conversion_fence_name": "Conversion Fense (Demo) 2"
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report details

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign
totals Object Data for Overall Totals
totals_per_interval Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Interval
available_geofences AvailableGeofence[] Array of AvailableGeofence
available_conversion_fences AvailableConversionGeofence[] Array of AvailableConversionGeofence

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String No Unique Identifier for Campaign
start_date String No Campaign Start Date
end_date String Yes Campaign End Date
type String No Type of Campaign
cycles Cycle[] No Array of Cycle
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Cycles Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
campaign_cycle String No Unique Identifier for Cycle
start_date String No Cycle Start Date
end_date String Yes Cycle End Date
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
start_date String No Start Date for Interval
impressions Int No Total Impressions for Interval
walk_ins Int No Total Walk-Ins for Interval
ctr Float No Total Click through Rate for Interval
clicks Int No Total Clicks for Interval
cpc Float No Total Cost per Click for Interval
cpw Float No Total Cost per Walk-in for Interval
cpm Float No Total Cost per Milli for Interval
spend Float No Total Spend for Interval
geofences String Geofence[] Array of Geofence
conversion_fences ConversionFence[] No Array of ConversionFence

Geofence Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Geofence Name
geofence_id Int No Geofence ID
impressions Int No Total Impressions for Interval
walk_ins Int No Total Walk-Ins for Interval
ctr Float No Total Click through Rate for Interval
clicks Int No Total Clicks for Interval
cpc Float No Total Cost per Click for Interval
cpw Float No Total Cost per Walk-in for Interval
cpm Float No Total Cost per Milli for Interval
spend Float No Total Spend for Interval

ConversionFence Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Conversion Fence Name
conversion_fence_id Int No Geofence ID
walk_ins Int No Total Walk-Ins for Interval
cpw Float No Total Cost per Walk-in for Interval
spend Float No Total Spend for Interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
impressions Int No Total Impressions for Interval
walk_ins Int No Total Walk-Ins for Interval
ctr Float No Total Click through Rate for Interval
clicks Int No Total Clicks for Interval
cpc Float No Total Cost per Click for Interval
cpw Float No Total Cost per Walk-in for Interval
cpm Float No Total Cost per Milli for Interval
spend Float No Total Spend for Interval

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

AvailableGeofence Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
geofence_id Int No Geofence ID
geofence_name Int No Geofence Name

AvailableConversionFence Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
conversion_fence_id Int No Conversion Fence ID
conversion_fence_name Int No Conversion Fence Name

Search APIs

Keyword Performance Metrics

Resource Overview  

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/keyword/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the Keyword report. Data can be returned for a specific date range determined by start_date and end_date. The requirements for these parameters are described below.

The data returned will include totals for number of keywords, impressions, clicks, and click-through-rate (CTR), as well as a breakdown for each keyword. Data will be returned in pages, controlled by the parameters page and page_size. The first page is page 1. Default values of 1 and 15 will be used if not specified. Data is sorted in alphabetical order by keyword.

Note: This API will not provide an Average page position from 1/1/2020 onward in the response.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Parameter Required Description
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
Default value: all
campaign_status[] No Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
Default value: all
page_size No Restrict number of keywords in result
Default value: 15
page No Specifies which page of results to return
Default value: 1
sort_by No Specifies what column to sort by. Valid columns are: keyword, clicks, impressions, and ctr
Default value: keyword
sort_dir No Specifies the sort direction. Can be either asc or desc
Default value: asc
types[] No Specifies the campaign type of keyword. Can be search, display or xmedia. Ex: types[]=display,search,xmedia
Default value: search

Response Data Details  

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&page=1&page_size=15

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&page=1&page_size=15

Retrieve data for both search and display campaigns

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=display,search&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&page=1&page_size=15

Example Response

    "report_type": "keyword",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "report_data": {
        "totals": {
            "clicks": 17,
            "impressions": 1065,
            "ctr": 1.6,
            "keywords": 2
        "keywords": [
                "keyword": "Keyword (Demo) 1 Location (Demo) 1",
                "type": "search",
                "clicks": 6,
                "impressions": 383,
                "ctr": 1.57
                "keyword": "Keyword (Demo) 2 Location (Demo) 2",
                "type": "search",
                "clicks": 11,
                "impressions": 682,
                "ctr": 1.61
        "unattributed_keywords": [
                "type": "search",
                "clicks": 12,
                "impressions": 62,
                "ctr": 19.35
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 25
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
report_data Object Report details object containing Totals object and Campaigns array. Report Data Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser
page Int Page Number
page_size Int Number of keywords on page

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keywords Keyword[] Array of Keyword
unattributed_keywords Keyword[] Array of Keyword
totals Object Total Object

Keyword Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keyword Integer Keyword Name
type Integer Keyword Type (search/display)
clicks Float Clicks for Keyword
impressions Integer Impressions for Keyword
ctr Float Click through Rate for Keyword

Unattributed Keyword Object

Field Name Datatype Description
type Integer Keyword Type (search/display)
clicks Float Clicks for Keyword
impressions Integer Impressions for Keyword
ctr Float Click through Rate for Keyword

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keywords Integer Number of total keywords regardless of page
clicks Float Overall Clicks
impressions Integer Overall Impressions
ctr Float Overall Click through Rate

Search Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/search_activity/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the Search Activity report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include impressions, leads, clicks, calls, qualified_web_events, web_events, emails, and spend values organized by campaign and campaign_cycle.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false
include_full_channel Optional, default: false. Includes all metrics for the search channel. Xmedia campaigns will only contain metrics that belong to the search channel, rather than full campaign metrics.

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \"

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true"

Example Response if there is a Top Search Campaign (bidding pricing model is 8)

    "report_type": "search_activity",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368547",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "search",
                "status": "running",
                "bidding_pricing_model_id": 8,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1065,
                        "impression_share": 0,
                        "leads": 19,
                        "clicks": 17,
                        "chats": 9.0,
                        "calls": 6,
                        "web_events": 7,
                        "qualified_web_events": 5,
                        "emails": 8,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "ctr": 1.6,
                        "cpc": 1.47,
                        "position": null,
                        "device_breakdowns": {
                            "impression_share": {
                                "mobile": 0,
                                "desktop": 0,
                                "tablet": 0
                            "impressions": {
                                "mobile": 1000,
                                "desktop": 65,
                                "tablet": 0
                            "clicks": {
                                "mobile": 14,
                                "desktop": 3,
                                "tablet": 0
                        "search_impression_share": 1,
                        "top_search_impression_share": 1,
                        "absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                        "rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                        "budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1
                "search_impression_share": 1,
                "top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1
                "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368327",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "search",
                "status": "running",
                "bidding_pricing_model_id": 1,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1065,
                        "impression_share": 0,
                        "leads": 19,
                        "clicks": 17,
                        "calls": 6,
                        "web_events": 7,
                        "qualified_web_events": 5,
                        "emails": 8,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "ctr": 1.6,
                        "cpc": 1.47,
                        "position": null,
                        "device_breakdowns": {
                            "impression_share": {
                                "mobile": 0,
                                "desktop": 0,
                                "tablet": 0
                            "impressions": {
                                "mobile": 1000,
                                "desktop": 65,
                                "tablet": 0
                            "clicks": {
                                "mobile": 14,
                                "desktop": 3,
                                "tablet": 0
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1065,
            "clicks": 17,
            "chats": 9.0,
            "calls": 6,
            "web_events": 7,
            "qualified_web_events": 5,
            "emails": 8,
            "leads": 19,
            "spend": 25,
            "ctr": 1.6,
            "cpc": 1.47,
            "device_breakdowns": {
                "impressions": {
                    "desktop": {
                        "total": 65,
                        "percent": 6.1
                    "mobile": {
                        "total": 1000,
                        "percent": 93.9
                    "tablet": {
                        "total": 0,
                        "percent": 0
                "clicks": {
                    "desktop": {
                        "total": 3,
                        "percent": 17.65
                    "mobile": {
                        "total": 14,
                        "percent": 82.35
                    "tablet": {
                        "total": 0,
                        "percent": 0
            "position": null,
            "search_impression_share": 1,
            "top_search_impression_share": 1,
            "absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
            "rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
            "budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "impressions": 1065,
                "impression_share": 0,
                "leads": 19,
                "clicks": 17,
                "chats": 9.0,
                "calls": 6,
                "web_events": 7,
                "qualified_web_events": 5,
                "emails": 8,
                "spend": 25,
                "ctr": 1.6,
                "cpc": 1.47,
                "position": null,
                "device_breakdowns": {
                    "impression_share": {
                        "mobile": 0,
                        "desktop": 0,
                        "tablet": 0
                    "impressions": {
                        "mobile": 1000,
                        "desktop": 65,
                        "tablet": 0
                    "clicks": {
                        "mobile": 14,
                        "desktop": 3,
                        "tablet": 0
                "search_impression_share": 1,
                "top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1,
                "budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share": 1
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"

Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Type of report
report_date String Date report ran
earliest_date_available String How far back data is available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency for Advertiser
report_data Object Report Data Object.
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Array All data for campigns. Campaigns Array.
totals Object Totals data. Totals Details.
totals_per_interval Array Totals per interval over multiple campaigns. Totals Per Interval Details.

Campaigns Array

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign name
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
start_date String Start date for campaign
end_date String End date for campaign
type String Type of campaign
status String Status of campaign
bidding_pricing_model_id Integer The id which will be used to filter the sub type of top search campaign
intervals Array Data for specified interval. Intervals Array.

Intervals Array

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
impressions Integer Impressions for interval
impression_share Integer Impression share for interval
leads Integer Leads for interval
clicks Integer Clicks for interval
chats Integer Chats for interval
calls Integer Calls for interval
web_events Integer Web events for interval
qualified_web_events Integer A lead generating CVT/Web Event
emails Integer Emails for interval
spend Integer Spend for interval
ctr Integer Click through rate for interval
cpc Integer Cost per click for interval
device_breakdowns DeviceBreakdown[] Array of DeviceBreakdown
search_impression_share Integer Search impression share for interval
top_search_impression_share Integer Top Search impression share for interval
absolute_top_search_impression_share Integer Absolute Top Search Impression share for interval
rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share Integer Rank Lost Absolute Top Search Impression share for interval
budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share Integer Budget Lost Absolute Top Search Impression share for interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
impressions Integer Total impressions
clicks Integer Total click events
chats Integer Total chat generated by paid traffic
calls Integer Total call events
web_events Integer Total web events
qualified_web_events Integer A lead generating CVT/Web Event
emails Integer Total email events
leads Integer Total leads
spend Integer Total spend
ctr Integer Total click through rate
cpc Integer Toal cost per click
device_breakdowns DeviceBreakdown[] Array of DeviceBreakdown
search_impression_share Decimal Search impression share percentage for interval
top_search_impression_share Decimal Top Search impression share percentage for interval
absolute_top_search_impression_share Decimal Absolute Top Search Impression share percentage for interval
rank_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share Decimal Rank Lost Absolute Top Search Impression share percentage for interval
budget_lost_absolute_top_search_impression_share Decimal Budget Lost Absolute Top Search Impression share percentage for interval

Device Breakdowns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
Impressions Object Device breakdown of impressions. Impressions Object.
Impression Share Object Device breakdown of impression share. Impression Share Object.
Clicks Object Device breakdown of clicks. Clicks Object

Impressions Object

Field Name Datatype Description
desktop Object Total and percent of total for impressions of desktop
mobile Object Total and percent of total for impressions of mobile
tablet Object Total and percent of total for impressions of tablet

Impression Share Object

Field Name Datatype Description
desktop Object Percent impression share of desktop
mobile Object Percent impression share of mobile
tablet Object Percent impression share of tablet

Clicks Object

Field Name Datatype Description
desktop Object Total and percent of total for clicks of desktop
mobile Object Total and percent of total for clicks of mobile
tablet Object Total and percent of total for clicks of tablet

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

Cycles Array

Field Name Datatype Description
campaign_cycle String Name of cycle
start_date String Start date of cycle
end_date String End date of cycle
intervals Array Data for specified interval. Intervals Array.

Google Keyword Performance

Resource Overview   

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/google_keyword/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the Keyword Google Compliance Report. Data can be returned in different intervals determined by the range. The requirements for these parameters are described below.

The data returned will include google only totals for impressions, clicks, click-through-rate (CTR), media_cost, keywords, and average position. It will also show breakdowns per keyword for clicks, media cost, impressions, average position, first page cost-per-click (CPC) and top page cost-per-click. Data will be returned in pages, controlled by the parameters page and page_size. The first page is page 1. Default values of 1 and 15 will be used if not specified. Data is sorted in alphabetical order by keyword.

Note: This API will not provide an Average page position from 1/1/2020 onward in the response.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Parameter Required Description
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date.
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date.
global_master_campaign_id[] No Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=USA_123,USA_456
campaign_status[] No Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended`. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
page_size No Restrict number of keywords in result.
Default value: 15
page No Specifies which page of results to return.
Default value: 1
sort_by No Specifies what column to sort by. Valid columns are: keyword, clicks, media cost, impressions, avg_position, first_page_cpc, top_page_cpc.
Default value: keyword
sort_dir No Specifies the sort direction. Can be either asc or desc.
Default value: asc

Response Data Details   

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&page=1&page_size=15"

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&page=1&page_size=15"

Example Response

    "report_type": "google_keyword",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "report_data": {
        "totals": {
            "clicks": 17,
            "media_cost": 918.68,
            "impressions": 1065,
            "ctr": 1.6,
            "keywords": 2
        "keywords": [
                "keyword": "Keyword (Demo) 1 Location (Demo) 1",
                "clicks": 6,
                "media_cost": 0,
                "impressions": 383,
                "first_page_cpc": 7.34,
                "top_page_cpc": 16
                "keyword": "Keyword (Demo) 2 Location (Demo) 2",
                "clicks": 11,
                "media_cost": 0,
                "impressions": 682,
                "first_page_cpc": 7.34,
         "unattributed_keywords": [
                "type": "search",
                "clicks": 12,
                "impressions": 62,
                "ctr": 19.35
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 25

Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
report_data Object Report details object containing Totals object and Campaigns array. Report Data Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser
page Integer Page Number
page_size Integer Number of keywords on page

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keywords Array Array of Keyword Object
unattributed_keywords Array Array of Keyword Object
totals Object Total Object

Keyword Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keyword Integer Keyword Name
type Integer Keyword Type (search/display)
clicks Float Clicks for Keyword
media_cost Float cost
impressions Integer Impressions for Keyword
ctr Float Click through Rate for Keyword

Unattributed Keyword Object

Field Name Datatype Description
type Integer Keyword Type (search/display)
clicks Float Clicks for Keyword
impressions Integer Impressions for Keyword
ctr Float Click through Rate for Keyword

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
keywords Integer Number of total keywords regardless of page
clicks Float Overall Clicks
media_cost Float cost
impressions Integer Overall Impressions
ctr Float Overall Click through Rate

Google Search Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/google_search_activity/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve the Google Search Activity Compliance report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include impressions, clicks, and media cost values organized by campaign and campaign_cycle.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \"

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true"

Example Response

    "report_type": "google_search_activity",
    "report_date": "2020-10-16",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368547",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "search",
                "status": "running",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1065,
                        "clicks": 17,
                        "media_cost": 25
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1065,
            "clicks": 17,
            "media_cost": 25
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "impressions": 1065,
                "clicks": 17,
                "media_cost": 25
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"

Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Type of report
report_date String Date report ran
earliest_date_available String How far back data is available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency for Advertiser
report_data Object Report Data Object.
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Array All data for campigns. Campaigns Array.
totals Object Totals data. Totals Details.
totals_per_interval Array Totals per interval over multiple campaigns. Totals Per Interval Details.

Campaigns Array

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign name
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
start_date String Start date for campaign
end_date String End date for campaign
type String Type of campaign
status String Status of campaign
intervals Interval[] Array of Interval Intervals Array.

Intervals Array

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
impressions Integer Impressions for interval
clicks Integer Clicks for interval
media_cost Float Cost for interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
impressions Integer Total Impressions
clicks Integer Total Clicks
media_cost Float Total Cost

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

Social APIs

SocialAds Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/facebook_campaign/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the SocialAds Campaign Report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include various metrics organized by campaign and campaign_cycle. If no values are present for a given metric, 0 is assumed, except for offline_conversion_purchases, offline_conversion_purchases_value, cpsc and roas, which will be omitted from the result if not present.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false
focus Optional. Value must be goal
goal_type_ids[] Optional. Focus must be specified as goal. Must be an array of valid goal_type_ids
include_full_channel Optional, default: false. Includes all metrics for the social channel. Xmedia campaigns will only contain metrics that are categorized as social, rather than full campaign metrics.

To specify a date range

Valid Goal Type Ids

Goal Type Id Goal Types
2 Calls
3 Contacts
4 Engagement
5 Reach
6 Contacts (Dynamic Ads - Automotive)
7 Sales

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-12-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-12-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true

Example Response:

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "report_type": "facebook_campaign",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Facebook Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1368565",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "display",
                "status": "running",
                "goals": [
                        "goal_type_id": 4,
                        "goal_type": "Engagement"
                        "goal_type_id": 5,
                        "goal_type": "Reach"
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1403,
                        "call_to_action_clicks": 5,
                        "clicks": 16,
                        "social_clicks": 10,
                        "reach": 1403,
                        "social_reach": 70,
                        "social_impressions": 1403,
                        "website_clicks": 8,
                        "inline_link_clicks": 5,
                        "link_click": 9,
                        "page_engagement": 77,
                        "like": 85,
                        "post_engagement": 84,
                        "comment": 8,
                        "post": 9,
                        "post_reaction": 65,
                        "checkin": 8,
                        "action_reaction": 9,
                        "leadgen.other": 0,
                        "frequency": 5,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "video_p100_watched_actions": 20,
                        "video_avg_percent_watched_actions": 76,
                        "offline_conversion_purchases": 7,
                        "offline_conversion_purchases_value": 82,
                        "leads": 18,
                        "cpc": 1.56,
                        "cpm": 17.82,
                        "ctr": 1.14,
                        "cpsc": 3.57,
                        "roas": 328
        "totals": {
            "impressions_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 60061.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 58497.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 126873.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 77115.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 64724.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 36731.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 39743.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 20413.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 29282.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 21530.0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 22916.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 20473.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 367.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 1014.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 679.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 269.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 378.0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 282.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 2915.0,
                "device_desktop": 32776.0,
                "device_iphone": 274083.0,
                "device_ipad": 7901.0,
                "device_ipod": 120.0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 257281.0,
                "device_android_tablet": 6271.0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "call_to_action_clicks_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 0,
                "device_desktop": 0,
                "device_iphone": 0,
                "device_ipad": 0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 0,
                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "clicks_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 183.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 123.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 234.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 150.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 130.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 85.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 87.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 69.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 128.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 151.0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 175.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 223.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 1.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 1.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 4.0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 16.0,
                "device_desktop": 71.0,
                "device_iphone": 615.0,
                "device_ipad": 85.0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 891.0,
                "device_android_tablet": 66.0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "social_clicks_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 0,
                "device_desktop": 0,
                "device_iphone": 0,
                "device_ipad": 0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 0,
                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "reach_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 57744.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 54131.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 123207.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 73048.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 61341.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 34512.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 36355.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 18871.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 26896.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 19463.0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 19927.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 16737.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 325.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 958.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 599.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 209.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 302.0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 222.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 2715.0,
                "device_desktop": 27900.0,
                "device_iphone": 264095.0,
                "device_ipad": 7323.0,
                "device_ipod": 79.0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 241351.0,
                "device_android_tablet": 5427.0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "social_impressions_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 0,
                "device_desktop": 0,
                "device_iphone": 0,
                "device_ipad": 0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 0,
                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "website_clicks_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 0,
                "device_desktop": 0,
                "device_iphone": 0,
                "device_ipad": 0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 0,
                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "link_click_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 8.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 8.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 13.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 13.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 5.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 2.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 5.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 5.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 6.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 15.0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 13.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 21.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 1.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 1.0,
                "device_desktop": 5.0,
                "device_iphone": 32.0,
                "device_ipad": 7.0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
                "device_android_smartphone": 61.0,
                "device_android_tablet": 9.0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "page_engagement_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 8.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 8.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 14.0,
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                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
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                "age_18-24_gender_male": 8.0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 8.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 14.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 13.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 5.0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 2.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 5.0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 5.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 6.0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 15.0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 14.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 22.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
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                "device_android_tablet": 9.0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
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                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
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                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "post_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
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                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "post_reaction_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 1.0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 1.0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 1.0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
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                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "checkin_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
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                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
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                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "leadgen_other_breakdown": {
                "age_18-24_gender_male": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_female": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_male": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_female": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_male": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_female": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_male": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_female": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_male": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_female": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_male": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_female": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_male": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_female": 0,
                "age_18-24_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_25-34_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_35-44_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_45-54_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_55-64_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_65+_gender_unknown": 0,
                "age_13-17_gender_unknown": 0,
                "device_other": 0,
                "device_desktop": 0,
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                "device_ipad": 0,
                "device_ipod": 0,
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                "device_android_tablet": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_male": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_female": 0,
                "age_Unknown_gender_unknown": 0
            "leads": 19,
            "impressions": 581347,
            "call_to_action_clicks": 0,
            "clicks": 1744,
            "social_clicks": 0,
            "reach": 550040.0,
            "social_reach": 0,
            "social_impressions": 0,
            "website_clicks": 0,
            "inline_link_clicks": 1100.0,
            "link_click": 1100.0,
            "page_engagement": 1130.0,
            "like": 0,
            "post_engagement": 1130.0,
            "comment": 1.0,
            "post": 5.0,
            "post_reaction": 24.0,
            "checkin": 0,
            "action_reaction": 0,
            "leadgen.other": 0,
            "spend": 4546.13,
            "video_p100_watched_actions": 0,
            "offline_conversion_purchases": 7,
            "offline_conversion_purchases_value": 82,
            "cpc": 2.61,
            "cpm": 7.82,
            "ctr": 0.3,
            "cpsc": 3.57,
            "roas": 328,
            "average_daily_reach": 2217.9
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "impressions": 1403,
                "call_to_action_clicks": 5,
                "clicks": 16,
                "social_clicks": 10,
                "reach": 1403,
                "social_reach": 70,
                "social_impressions": 1403,
                "website_clicks": 8,
                "inline_link_clicks": 5,
                "link_click": 9,
                "page_engagement": 77,
                "like": 85,
                "post_engagement": 84,
                "comment": 8,
                "post": 9,
                "post_reaction": 65,
                "checkin": 8,
                "action_reaction": 9,
                "leadgen.other": 0,
                "spend": 25,
                "video_p100_watched_actions": 20,
                "video_avg_percent_watched_actions": 76,
                "offline_conversion_purchases": 7,
                "offline_conversion_purchases_value": 82,
                "leads": 18,
                "cpc": 1.56,
                "cpm": 17.82,
                "ctr": 1.14,
                "cpsc": 3.57,
                "roas": 328
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"

Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report details

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign
totals Object Data for Overall Totals
totals_per_interval Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Interval

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String No Unique Identifier for Campaign
start_date String No Campaign Start Date
end_date String Yes Campaign End Date
type String No Type of Campaign
status String No Status of Campaign
goals Array No Array of Goals
cycles Cycle[] No Array of Cycle
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Goal Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Campaign Name
goal_type_id Int No Goal Unique Identifier
goal_type String No Goal Type Name

Cycles Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
campaign_cycle String No Unique Identifier for Cycle
start_date String No Cycle Start Date
end_date String Yes Cycle End Date
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
start_date String No Start Date for Interval
impressions Int No Total Impressions for Interval
call_to_action_clicks Int No Total Call to Action Clicks for Interval
clicks Int No Total Clicks for Interval
social_clicks Int No Total Social Clicks for Interval
reach Int No Total Reach for Interval
social_reach Int No Total Social Reach for Interval
social_impressions Int No Total Social Impressions for Interval
website_clicks Int No Total Website Clicks for Interval
inline_link_clicks Int No Total Inline Link Clicks for Interval
link_click Int No Total Link Clicks for Interval
page_engagement Int No Total Page Engagement for Interval
like Int No Total Likes for Interval
post_engagement Int No Total Post Engagement for Interval
comment Int No Total Comments for Interval
post Int No Total Posts for Interval
post_reaction Int No Total Post Reactions for Interval
checkin Int No Total Checkins for Interval
action_reaction Int No Total Action Reaction for Interval
leadgen.other Int No Total leadgen.other for Interval
frequency Int No Average. This metric is available only for param interval_size is day
spend Int No Total Spend for Interval
video_p100_watched_actions Int No Total Videos Watched to 100 percent for Interval
offline_conversion_purchases Int No Total Offline Conversion Purchases for Interval
offline_conversion_purchases_value Int No Total Offline Conversion Purchase Value for Interval
omni_purchase_actions Int No Purchases Value for Interval
omni_purchase_purchase_roas Int No Purchase ROAS for Interval
omni_purchase_action_values Int No Purchase Conversion Value for Interval
cpc Int No Total Cost per Click for Interval
cpm Int No Total Cost per Milli for Interval
ctr Int No Total Click Through Rate for Interval
cpsc Int No Total CPSC for Interval
roas Int No Total ROAS for Interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
impressions Int No Total Impressions
call_to_action_clicks Int No Total Call to Action Clicks
clicks Int No Total Clicks
social_clicks Int No Total Social Clicks
reach Int No Total Reach
social_reach Int No Total
social_impressions Int No Total Social Impressions
website_clicks Int No Total Website Clicks
inline_link_clicks Int No Total Inline Link Clicksl
link_click Int No Total Link Clicks
page_engagement Int No Total Page Engagement
like Int No Total Likes
post_engagement Int No Total Post Engagement
comment Int No Total Comments
post Int No Total Posts
post_reaction Int No Total Post Reactions
checkin Int No Total Checkins
action_reaction Int No Total Action Reaction
leadgen.other Int No Total leadgen.other
spend Int No Total Spend
video_p100_watched_actions Int No Total Videos Watched to 100 percent
offline_conversion_purchases Int No Total Offline Conversion Purchases
offline_conversion_purchases_value Int No Total Offline Conversion Purchase Value
omni_purchase_actions Int No Total Purchases Value
omni_purchase_purchase_roas Int No Total Purchase ROAS
omni_purchase_action_values Int No Total Purchase Conversion Value
cpc Int No Total Cost per Click
cpm Int No Total Cost per Milli
ctr Int No Total Click Through Rate
cpsc Int No Total CPSC
roas Int No Total ROAS
reach_breakdown Breakdown[] No Reach breakdowns
impressions_breakdown Breakdown[] No Impressions breakdowns
clicks_breakdown Breakdown[] No Clicks breakdowns

Breakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
age_18-24_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 18-24
age_18-24_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 18-24
age_25-34_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 25-34
age_25-34_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 25-34
age_35-44_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 35-44
age_35-44_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 35-44
age_45-54_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 45-54
age_45-54_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 45-54
age_55-64_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 55-64
age_55-64_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 55-64
age_65+_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 65+
age_65+_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 65+
age_13-17_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 13-17
age_13-17_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Females Age 13-17
age_18-24_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Males Age 18-24
age_25-34_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 25-34
age_35-44_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 18-24
age_45-54_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 45-54
age_55-64_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 55-64
age_65+_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 65+
age_13-17_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age 13-17
device_other Int No Breakdowns for Device Other
device_desktop Int No Breakdowns for Device Desktop
device_iphone Int No Breakdowns for Device iPhone
device_ipad Int No Breakdowns for Device iPad
device_ipod Int No Breakdowns for Device iPod
device_android_smartphone Int No Breakdowns for Device Android Smartphone
device_android_tablet Int No Breakdowns for Device Android Tablet
age_Unknown_gender_male Int No Breakdowns for Males Age Unknown
age_Unknown_gender_female Int No Breakdowns for Femails Age Unknown
age_Unknown_gender_unknown Int No Breakdowns for Unknown Gender Age Unknown

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

YouTube Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/youtube/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the YouTube report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include impressions, views, clicks, view-through rate, click-through rate, cost per view, and eCPM organized by campaign, and also broken out by age, gender, and device type.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details 

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Example Response

    "report_type": "youtube",
    "report_date": "2020-10-16",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Youtube Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691223",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "display",
                "status": "running",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 1241,
                        "views": 21,
                        "clicks": 17,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 42,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 35,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 28,
                        "video_played_to_100_pct": 21,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "vtr": 1.69,
                        "ctr": 1.37,
                        "cpv": 1.19,
                        "eCPM": 20.15
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691233",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "xmedia",
                "status": "running",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "impressions": 248,
                        "views": 21,
                        "clicks": 3,
                        "video_played_to_25_pct": 42,
                        "video_played_to_50_pct": 35,
                        "video_played_to_75_pct": 28,
                        "video_played_to_100_pct": 21,
                        "spend": 25,
                        "vtr": 8.47,
                        "ctr": 1.21,
                        "cpv": 1.19,
                        "eCPM": 100.81
        "impression_breakdowns": {
            "age_breakdowns": {
                "age_18_24": 212,
                "age_25_34": 212,
                "age_35_44": 212,
                "age_45_54": 212,
                "age_55_64": 212,
                "age_65_up": 212,
                "unknown": 212
            "gender_breakdowns": {
                "female": {
                    "total": 495,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "male": {
                    "total": 495,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "undetermined": {
                    "total": 495,
                    "percent": 33.33
            "device_breakdowns": {
                "connected_tv": {
                    "total": 297,
                    "percent": 20
                "desktop": {
                    "total": 297,
                    "percent": 20
                "mobile": {
                    "total": 297,
                    "percent": 20
                "tablet": {
                    "total": 297,
                    "percent": 20
                "unknown": {
                    "total": 297,
                    "percent": 20
        "view_breakdowns": {
            "age_breakdowns": {
                "age_18_24": 6,
                "age_25_34": 6,
                "age_35_44": 6,
                "age_45_54": 6,
                "age_55_64": 6,
                "age_65_up": 6,
                "unknown": 6
            "gender_breakdowns": {
                "female": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "male": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "undetermined": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
            "device_breakdowns": {
                "connected_tv": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 20
                "desktop": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 20
                "mobile": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 20
                "tablet": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 20
                "unknown": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 20
        "click_breakdowns": {
            "age_breakdowns": {
                "age_18_24": 2,
                "age_25_34": 2,
                "age_35_44": 2,
                "age_45_54": 2,
                "age_55_64": 2,
                "age_65_up": 2,
                "unknown": 2
            "gender_breakdowns": {
                "female": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "male": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
                "undetermined": {
                    "total": 6,
                    "percent": 33.33
            "device_breakdowns": {
                "connected_tv": {
                    "total": 3,
                    "percent": 20
                "desktop": {
                    "total": 3,
                    "percent": 20
                "mobile": {
                    "total": 3,
                    "percent": 20
                "tablet": {
                    "total": 3,
                    "percent": 20
                "unknown": {
                    "total": 3,
                    "percent": 20
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1489,
            "views": 42,
            "clicks": 20,
            "video_played_to_25_pct": 42,
            "video_played_to_50_pct": 35,
            "video_played_to_75_pct": 28,
            "video_played_to_100_pct": 21,
            "spend": 50,
            "vtr": 2.82,
            "ctr": 1.34,
            "cpv": 1.19,
            "eCPM": 33.58
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "impressions": 1489,
                "views": 42,
                "clicks": 20,
                "video_played_to_25_pct": 42,
                "video_played_to_50_pct": 35,
                "video_played_to_75_pct": 28,
                "video_played_to_100_pct": 21,
                "spend": 50,
                "vtr": 2.82,
                "ctr": 1.34,
                "cpv": 1.19,
                "eCPM": 33.58
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report details

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign
impression_breakdowns ImpressionBreakdown ImpressionBreakdown
view_breakdowns ViewBreakdown ViewBreakdown
click_breakdowns ClickBreakdown ClickBreakdown
totals Object Data for Overall Totals
totals_per_interval Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Interval

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String No Unique Identifier for Campaign
start_date String No Campaign Start Date
end_date String Yes Campaign End Date
type String No Type of Campaign
status String No Type of Campaign
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
start_date String No Start Date for Interval
impressions Int No Impressions for Interval
views Int No Views for Interval
clicks Int No Clicks for Interval
video_played_to_25_pct Int No Number of Videos played to 25%
video_played_to_50_pct Int No Number of Videos played to 50%
video_played_to_75_pct Int No Number of Videos played to 75%
video_played_to_100_pct Int No Number of Videos played to 100%
vtr Float No View through Rate
ctr Float No Click through Rate
eCPM Float No Effective Cost per Thousand Impressions

ImpressionBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
age_breakdowns AgeBreakdown No AgeBreakdown Object
gender_breakdowns GenderBreakdown No GenderBreakdown Object
device_breakdowns DeviceBreakdown No DeviceBreakdown Object

ViewBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
age_breakdowns AgeBreakdown No AgeBreakdown Object
gender_breakdowns GenderBreakdown No GenderBreakdown Object
device_breakdowns DeviceBreakdown No DeviceBreakdown Object

ClickBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
age_breakdowns AgeBreakdown No AgeBreakdown Object
gender_breakdowns GenderBreakdown No GenderBreakdown Object
device_breakdowns DeviceBreakdown No DeviceBreakdown Object

AgeBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
age_18_24 Int No Count for Age 18-24
age_25_34 Int No Count for Age 25-44
age_35_44 Int No Count for Age 35-44
age_45_54 Int No Count for Age 45-54
age_55_64 Int No Count for Age 55-64
age_65_up Int No Count for Age 65+
unknown Int No Count for Age unknown

GenderBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
female Female No Female Object
male Male No Male Object
undetermined Undetermined No Undetermined Object

Female/Male/Undetermined Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
total Int No Count
percent Int No Percent of Total Count

DeviceBreakdown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
connected_tv ConnectedTv No ConnectedTv Object
desktop Desktop No Desktop Object
mobile Mobile No Mobile Object
tablet Tablet No Tablet Object
unknown Unknown No Unknown Object

ConnectedTv/Desktop/Mobile/Tablet/Unknown Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
total Int No Count
percent Int No Percent of Total Count

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
impressions Int No Total Impressions
views Int No Total Views
clicks Int No Total Clicks
video_played_to_25_pct Int No Total Number of Videos played to 25%
video_played_to_50_pct Int No Total Number of Videos played to 50%
video_played_to_75_pct Int No Total Number of Videos played to 75%
video_played_to_100_pct Int No Total Number of Videos played to 100%
vtr Float No Total View through Rate
ctr Float No Total Click through Rate
eCPM Float No Total Effective Cost per Thousand Impressions

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

Traffic Metric APIs

Top Referrer

Describes the distribution of referrers for an advertiser for a given time period as well as attributing the source of the referral. This API endpoint is the data source for the Traffic Detail Report report in client center.

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/top_referrer/[gmaid]?[query_params]


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date and time.
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date and time.

Response Data Details 

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "api_name": "top_referrer",
    "api_run_date": "2022-11-17",
    "start_date": "2022-11-10",
    "end_date": "2022-11-15",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "report_data": {
        "sources": [
                "name": "DIRECT",
                "master_campaign_id": 1,
                "is_paid": true,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 5
                "name": "DIRECT",
                "master_campaign_id": 1,
                "is_paid": true,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 14
                "name": "SEARCH",
                "master_campaign_id": 1,
                "is_paid": true,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 14
                "name": "SEARCH",
                "master_campaign_id": -1,
                "is_paid": false,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 3
                "name": "SOCIAL",
                "master_campaign_id": -1,
                "is_paid": false,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 3
                "name": "DIRECT",
                "master_campaign_id": -1,
                "is_paid": false,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 13
                "name": "OTHER",
                "master_campaign_id": -1,
                "is_paid": false,
                "top_referrers": [
                        "referrer_host": "",
                        "count": 9

The main body of the API response is found in the report_data object.

Base Object

Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
report_data Report Data Object Report details

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
sources Array Yes An array of source objects

Source Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String Yes The type of campaign SEARCH, OTHER, DIRECT
master_campaign_id String Yes The master campaign id
is_paid boolean No Is the campaign a paid campaign
top_referrers Array No An array of top referrer objects

Top referrer object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
referrer_host String No The hostname
count Integer No The count of referrals from the specified host


Resource Overview  

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/total_track/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the TotalTrack report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include leads, clicks, calls, web_events and email values organized by campaign and campaign_cycle.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_types[] Restrict results to campaigns of given type. Valid types: totaltrack_web, totaltrack_phone, totaltrack_web_phone
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details  

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true

Example Response

    "totaltrack_type": "totaltrack_web_phone",
    "report_type": "total_track",
    "report_date": "2020-10-16",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Totaltrack Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691183",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_719047",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-07",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "intervals": [
                                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                                "leads": 28,
                                "clicks": 10,
                                "calls": 10,
                                "web_events": 9,
                                "emails": 9,
                                "chats": 10
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691187",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_719092",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-07",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "intervals": [
                                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                                "leads": 23,
                                "clicks": 10,
                                "calls": 6,
                                "web_events": 7,
                                "emails": 10,
                                "chats": 11
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691190",
                "start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "status": "running",
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_719136",
                        "start_date": "2020-10-07",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "intervals": [
                                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                                "leads": 23,
                                "clicks": 14,
                                "calls": 5,
                                "web_events": 9,
                                "emails": 9,
                                "chats": 12
        "totals": {
            "clicks": 34,
            "calls": 21,
            "web_events": 25,
            "emails": 28,
            "leads": 74,
            "chats": 33
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "leads": 74,
                "clicks": 34,
                "calls": 21,
                "web_events": 25,
                "emails": 28,
                "chats": 33
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"
Field Name Datatype Description
totaltrack_type String Indicates if Response is for web only, phone only, or both web and phone (totaltrack_web, totaltrack_phone, totaltrack_web_phone)
report_type String Name of the API
report_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report details
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign
totals Object Data for Overall Totals
totals_per_interval Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Interval

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
name String No Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String No Unique Identifier for Campaign
start_date String No Campaign Start Date
end_date String Yes Campaign End Date
type String No Type of Campaign
status String No Status of Campaign
cycles Cycle[] No Array of Cycle
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Cycles Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
campaign_cycle String No Unique Identifier for Cycle
start_date String No Cycle Start Date
end_date String Yes Cycle End Date
intervals Interval[] No Array of Interval

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
start_date String No Start Date for Interval
leads Int No Leads for Interval
clicks Int No Clicks for Interval
calls Int No Calls for Interval
web_events Int No Web Events for Interval
emails Int No Emails for Interval
chats Int No Total chat generated by paid traffic for Interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Nullable Description
leads Int No Total Leads
clicks Int No Total Clicks
calls Int No Total Calls
web_events Int No Total Web Events
emails Int No Total Emails
chats Int No Total chat generated by paid traffic

Totals Per Interval Object

This is an Interval object across all campaigns.

Web Event Metrics

Resource Overview   

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/cvt_events/[gmaid]?[query_params]

This is an API that can be used by customers who have indicated that certain pages or actions of specific importance will benefit the performance of campaigns through more informed and meaningful conversions. All metrics are reported against the CVT/Web Event.

Web Events fall under these categories: ‘Request’, ‘Submit’ and ’unknown”. * A 'Request' Web Event is usually informational, in some cases, it can have a post-click activity that can generate a lead. * A 'Submit' CVT/Web Event is lead-generating. Metrics tied to a 'Request' CVT/Web Event are considered 'non-qualified', whereas metrics tied to a 'Submit' CVT/Web Event are considered 'qualified'. * An 'Unknown’ Web Event is one where the URL & name are missing. This happens periodically when a campaign cycles and a visitor triggers the web event while our system is renewing the web events data for the new cycle. From a metrics perspective, the web event occurred but we don’t know which one was triggered.

Use GET to retrieve web event activity for all CVT/Web Events for a given gmaid.

The data returned will include CVT/Web Events from each campaign with web event name, web event url, and metrics for the interval requested.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
start_date Yes Restricts the results to events occurring on or after this date
end_date Yes Restricts the results to events occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] No Restricts results to all campaigns with given master campaign id
interval_size No Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
campaign_status[] No Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped or ended
campaign_types[] No Restricts results to campaigns of given type, valid types: search, display, other, totaltrack_web, totaltrack_phone, totaltrack_web_phone, chat, xmedia

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details   

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \'

Retrieve data for a specific master campaign id

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1' \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates limited to ended campaigns

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=ended' \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates grouped by calendar week

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Retrieve data with all options together with results below

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&interval_size=calendar_week&campaign_status[]=running' \

Example Response

    "report_type": "cvt_events",
    "report_date": "2020-10-14",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-10-10",
    "start_date": "2019-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Display Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "display",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 3,
                                "high_web_events": 3
                    },                    {
                        "cvt_type": "Unknown",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 1,
                                "high_web_events": 1
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 3,
                                "high_web_events": 3
                "name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_4",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "search",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 3,
                                "high_web_events": 0
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 6,
                                "high_web_events": 6
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_10",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 6,
                                "high_web_events": 0
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 3
                "name": "Totaltrack Web Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_13",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "totaltrack",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 4
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 3,
                                "high_web_events": 3
                "name": "Other Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_16",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "other",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 5
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                                "high_web_events": 0
                "name": "Chat Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_19",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "chat",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Request",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 1
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 5,
                                "high_web_events": 5
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_34",
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "xmedia",
                "status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "web_events": [
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 8,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 8,
                                "high_web_events": 8
                        "web_event_name": "Form Submitted (Demo)",
                        "web_event_url": "",
                        "cvt_type": "Submit",
                        "entry_type": 7,
                        "intervals": [
                                "date": "2020-10-10",
                                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                                "high_web_events": 2
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"
Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Report Type
report_date String Date Report was Run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Date Data is Available
start_date String Start Date of Report
end_date String End Date of Report
time_zone String Time Zone of Report
interval_size String Interval Size Report is Broken Into
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report Data Object

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Campaigns Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign name
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
start_date String Start date for campaign
end_date String End date for campaign
type String Type of campaign
status String Current campaign status
organization String Organization
web_events Object Web Events Object

Web Events Object

Field Name Datatype Description
web_event_name String Name of web event
web_event_url String Web event url
cvt_type String Request, Submit, or Unknown
entry_type Integer 7 (does not generate a lead event) or 8 (generates a lead event)
intervals Object Intervals Object

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
date String Date for interval
non_qualified_web_events Integer A non-lead generating CVT/Web Event
qualified_web_events Integer A lead generating CVT/Web Event
high_web_events Integer A Request or Submit marked as high-value

Cross Media Optimization (XMO)

XMO Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/xmedia/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve campaign performance metrics for the Cross Media Optimization (XMO) campaigns.

The data returned will include impressions, leads, clicks, calls, qualified_web_events, web_events, emails, chats and totals of the leads. Please note chats will be reported as 0 in this API. Please use the XMO channel metrics API to get the chat counts. The total leads are based on all web events.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those ocurring on or after this date.
end_date Restricts the results to those ocurring on or before this date.
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns.
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended
campaign_types[] Default: xmedia (can be used to return other campaign types)
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false.

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Example Response

    "api_name": "xmedia",
    "api_run_date": "2020-07-08",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-07-01",
    "start_date": "2020-07-01",
    "end_date": "2020-07-01",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "advertiser_name": "Advertiser (Demo)",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_79936",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "start_date": "2020-07-01",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "xmedia",
                "status": "running",
                "goals": [
                        "goal_type_id": 1,
                        "goal_type": "CPL"
                        "goal_type_id": 6,
                        "goal_type": "Contacts (Dynamic Ads - Automotive)"
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-07-01",
                        "impressions": 1184,
                        "clicks": 18,
                        "views": 18,
                        "calls": 9,
                        "web_events": 7,
                        "qualified_web_events": 3,
                        "emails": 9,
                        "chats": 0,
                        "leads": 25,
                        "spend": 25.0,
                        "ctr": 1.52,
                        "cpc": 1.39
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1184.0,
            "clicks": 18,
            "views": 18,
            "calls": 9,
            "web_events": 7,
            "qualified_web_events": 3,
            "emails": 9,
            "chats": 0,
            "leads": 25,
            "spend": 25.0,
            "ctr": 1.52,
            "cpc": 1.39
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-07-01",
                "impressions": 1184,
                "clicks": 18,
                "views": 18,
                "calls": 9,
                "web_events": 7,
                "qualified_web_events": 3,
                "emails": 9,
                "chats": 0,
                "leads": 25,
                "spend": 25.0,
                "ctr": 1.52,
                "cpc": 1.39


Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String Unique Identifier for Campaign
organization String Either reachlocal or gannett
start_date String Campaign Start Date
end_date String Campaign End Date
type String Type of Campaign
status String Status of Campaign

Goals Array

Field Name Datatype Description
goal_type_id Int goal type id
goal_type String goal type name

Intervals Array

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Campaign Start Date
impressions Int Total Impressions for Campaign
clicks Float Total Clicks for Interval
views Float Total Views for Interval
calls Float Total Calls for Interval
web_events Int Total Web Events for Interval
qualified_web_events Int Total lead-generating CVT/Web Events for Interval
emails Float Total Emails for Interval
chats Float Total chat generated by paid traffic for Interval
leads Float Total Leads for Campaign
spend Float Total Spend for Interval
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Interval
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
impressions Int Total Impressions
clicks Float Total Clicks
views Float Total Views
calls Float Total Calls
web_events Int Total Web Events
qualified_web_events Int Total lead-generating CVT/Web Events
emails Float Total Emails
chats Float Total chat generated by paid traffic
leads Float Total Leads
spend Float Total Spend
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate
cpc Float Overall Cost Per Click

Totals Per Interval Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start Date of interval
impressions Int Total Impressions for Campaign
clicks Float Total Clicks for Interval
views Float Total Views for Interval
calls Float Total Calls for Interval
web_events Int Total Web Events for Interval
qualified_web_events Int No
emails Float Total Emails for Interval
chats Float Total Chats for Interval
leads Float Total Leads for Campaign
spend Float Total Spend for Interval
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Interval
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Interval

XMO Channel Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/xmedia_channel/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve campaign performance metrics by channel (search, social etc.) for the Cross Media Optimization (XMO) campaigns. This API can be used to see how each channel performed for an Xmedia Campaign.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those ocurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those ocurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting. Default value is false
channels[] Specifies which channels to filter results by. Valid channels are search, display, social, chat, video and other
campaign_types[] Default: xmedia (can be used to return other campaign types)

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "" Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "[]=USA_14&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31" Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "" Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "[]=running&campaign_status[]=stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31"

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "[]=USA_14&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true"

Retrieve data for specific channels curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \ "[]=USA_14&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&channels[]=display&channels[]=search"

Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
earliest_date_available String Earliest Data is Available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID
advertiser_name String Name of the Advertiser
report_data Object Report details

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign.Campaigns.
totals Object Data for Overall Totals Totals Object.
totals_per_interval Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Interval Totals by Interval Object.
totals_by_channel Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Channel Totals Per Channel Object.
totals_by_publisher Object Overall Totals Broken Down by Publisher Totals Per Publisher Object.


Field Name Datatype Description
name String Campaign Name
global_master_campaign_id String Unique Identifier for Campaign
organization String Either reachlocal or gannett
start_date String Campaign Start Date
end_date String Campaign End Date
type String Type of Campaign
status String Status of Campaign
goals Array Array of Goals
cycles Cycle[] Array of Cycles
impressions Int Total Impressions for Campaign
clicks Float Total Clicks for Campaign
views Float Total Views for Campaign which is the Clicks if Publisher_ID is 65
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Campaign. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Campaign
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Campaign
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Campaign
emails Int Total Emails for Campaign
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Campaign
leads Int Total Leads for Campaign (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for Campaign
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Campaign
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Campaign
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Campaign

Cycles Array

Field Name Datatype Description
campaign_cycle String Unique Identifier for Cycle
start_date String Cycle Start Date
end_date String Cycle End Date
impressions Int Total Impressions for Cycle
clicks Float Total Clicks for Cycle
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Cycle. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Cycle
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Cycle
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Cycle
emails Int Total Emails for Cycle
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Cycle
leads Int Total Leads for Cycle (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for Cycle
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Cycle
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Cycle
wpcs WPC[] Array of WPCs
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Cycle

WPC Object

Field Name Datatype Description
id String Unique Identifier for WPC
name String Name of WPC
channel String Channel for WPC
geo_type String GeoType for WPC
start_date String WPC Start Date
end_date String WPC End Date
tactic String Tactic for WPC (Offer Name)
external_account_id String External Account ID for WPC
external_account_name String External Account Name for WPC
impressions Int Total Impressions for WPC
clicks Float Total Clicks for WPC
views Float Total Views for WPC
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for WPC. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for WPC
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for WPC
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for WPC
emails Int Total Emails for WPC
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for WPC
leads Int Total Leads for WPC (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for WPC
ctr Float Click-through Rate for WPC
cpc Float Cost Per Click for WPC
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for WPC
intervals Interval[] Array of Intervals

Intervals Array

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start Date for Interval
impressions Int Total Impressions for Interval
clicks Float Total Clicks for Interval
views Float Total Views for Interval
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Interval. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Interval
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Interval
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Interval
emails Int Total Emails for Interval
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Interval
leads Int Total Leads for Interval (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for Interval
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Interval
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Interval
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
impressions Int Total Impressions
clicks Float Total Clicks
views Float Total Views
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events Web Events
emails Float Total Emails
chats Float Total chat generated by paid traffic
leads Float Total Leads (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend
ctr Float Overall Click-through Rate
cpc Float Overall Cost Per Click
cpl Float Overall Cost Per Lead

Totals by Interval Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Campaign Start Date
impressions Int Total Impressions for Interval
clicks Float Total Clicks for Interval
views Float Total Views for Interval
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Interval. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Interval
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Interval
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Interval
emails Int Total Emails for Interval
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Interval
leads Int Total Leads for Interval (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for Interval
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Interval
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Interval
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Interval

Totals Per channel Object

Field Name Datatype Description
channel String Channel Name
impressions Int Total Impressions for Channel
clicks Float Total Clicks for Channel
views Float Total Views for Channel
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Channel. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Channel
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Channel
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Channel
emails Int Total Emails for Channel
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Channel
leads Int Total Leads for Channel (calls + email + chat + qualified web events)
spend Float Total Spend for Channel
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Channel
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Channel
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Channel

Totals Per Publisher Object

Field Name Datatype Description
publisher String Publisher Name
impressions Int Total Impressions for Publisher
clicks Float Total Clicks for Publisher
views Float Total Views for Publisher
click_to_calls Int Total Click-to-Calls for Publisher. This is the count of clicks associated with a phone call. Calls to the same campaign from the same number are counted as one click_to_call.
calls Int Total Calls for Publisher
qualified_web_events Int Total Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Publisher
non_qualified_web_events Int Total Non-Lead Generating CVT/Web Events for Publisher
emails Int Total Emails for Publisher
chats Int Total chat generated by paid traffic for Publisher
leads Int Total Leads for Publisher
spend Float Total Spend for Publisher
ctr Float Click-through Rate for Publisher
cpc Float Cost Per Click for Publisher
cpl Float Cost Per Lead for Publisher

Example Response with include_cycles=true

    "api_name": "xmedia_channel",
    "api_run_date": "2020-09-24",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-09-10",
    "start_date": "2020-09-15",
    "end_date": "2020-09-15",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "advertiser_name": "Advertiser (Demo)",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_24638",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                "end_date": null,
                "type": "xmedia",
                "status": "running",
                "goals": [
                        "goal_type": "CPL"
                        "goal_type": "Contacts (Dynamic Ads - Automotive)"
                "impressions": 1069,
                "clicks": 17,
                "views": 8,
                "click_to_calls": 10,
                "calls": 10,
                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                "emails": 8,
                "chats": 8,
                "leads": 28,
                "spend": 25.0,
                "ctr": 1.59,
                "cpc": 1.47,
                "cpl": 0.89,
                "cycles": [
                        "campaign_cycle": "TEST_24639",
                        "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                        "end_date": null,
                        "impressions": 1069,
                        "clicks": 17,
                        "views": 8,
                        "click_to_calls": 10,
                        "calls": 10,
                        "qualified_web_events": 2,
                        "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                        "emails": 8,
                        "chats": 8,
                        "leads": 28,
                        "spend": 25.0,
                        "ctr": 1.59,
                        "cpc": 1.47,
                        "cpl": 0.89,
                        "wpcs": [
                                "id": 24640,
                                "name": "Search National",
                                "channel": "search",
                                "geo_type": "National",
                                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "tactic": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                                "external_account_id": "12345",
                                "external_account_name": "test",
                                "impressions": 213,
                                "clicks": 3,
                                "views": 3,
                                "click_to_calls": 2,
                                "calls": 2,
                                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "emails": 1,
                                "chats": 1,
                                "leads": 4,
                                "spend": 5.0,
                                "ctr": 1.41,
                                "cpc": 1.67,
                                "cpl": 1.25,
                                "intervals": [
                                        "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                                        "impressions": 213,
                                        "clicks": 3,
                                        "views": 3,
                                        "click_to_calls": 2,
                                        "calls": 2,
                                        "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "emails": 1,
                                        "chats": 1,
                                        "leads": 4,
                                        "spend": 5.0,
                                        "ctr": 1.41,
                                        "cpc": 1.67,
                                        "cpl": 1.25
                                "id": 24641,
                                "name": "Display National",
                                "channel": "display",
                                "geo_type": "National",
                                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "tactic": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                                "external_account_id": "12345",
                                "external_account_name": "test",
                                "impressions": 213,
                                "clicks": 3,
                                "views": 3,
                                "click_to_calls": 2,
                                "calls": 2,
                                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "emails": 1,
                                "chats": 1,
                                "leads": 4,
                                "spend": 5.0,
                                "ctr": 1.41,
                                "cpc": 1.67,
                                "cpl": 1.25,
                                "intervals": [
                                        "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                                        "impressions": 213,
                                        "clicks": 3,
                                        "views": 3,
                                        "click_to_calls": 2,
                                        "calls": 2,
                                        "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "emails": 1,
                                        "chats": 1,
                                        "leads": 4,
                                        "spend": 5.0,
                                        "ctr": 1.41,
                                        "cpc": 1.67,
                                        "cpl": 1.25
                                "id": 24643,
                                "name": "YouTube National",
                                "channel": "other",
                                "geo_type": "National",
                                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "tactic": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                                "external_account_id": "12345",
                                "external_account_name": "test",
                                "impressions": 213,
                                "clicks": 3,
                                "views": 3,
                                "click_to_calls": 2,
                                "calls": 2,
                                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "emails": 1,
                                "chats": 1,
                                "leads": 4,
                                "spend": 5.0,
                                "ctr": 1.41,
                                "cpc": 1.67,
                                "cpl": 1.25,
                                "intervals": [
                                        "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                                        "impressions": 213,
                                        "clicks": 3,
                                        "views": 3,
                                        "click_to_calls": 2,
                                        "calls": 2,
                                        "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "emails": 1,
                                        "chats": 1,
                                        "leads": 4,
                                        "spend": 5.0,
                                        "ctr": 1.41,
                                        "cpc": 1.67,
                                        "cpl": 1.25
                                "id": 24644,
                                "name": "Social National",
                                "channel": "social",
                                "geo_type": "National",
                                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "tactic": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                                "external_account_id": "12345",
                                "external_account_name": "test",
                                "impressions": 213,
                                "clicks": 3,
                                "views": 3,
                                "click_to_calls": 2,
                                "calls": 2,
                                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                "emails": 1,
                                "chats": 1,
                                "leads": 4,
                                "spend": 5.0,
                                "ctr": 1.41,
                                "cpc": 1.67,
                                "cpl": 1.25,
                                "intervals": [
                                        "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                                        "impressions": 213,
                                        "clicks": 3,
                                        "views": 3,
                                        "click_to_calls": 2,
                                        "calls": 2,
                                        "qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                                        "emails": 1,
                                        "chats": 1,
                                        "leads": 4,
                                        "spend": 5.0,
                                        "ctr": 1.41,
                                        "cpc": 1.67,
                                        "cpl": 1.25
                                "id": 24645,
                                "name": "Chat National",
                                "channel": "chat",
                                "geo_type": "National",
                                "start_date": "2020-09-10",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "tactic": "Omnichannel - Smart",
                                "external_account_id": "12345",
                                "external_account_name": "test",
                                "impressions": 217,
                                "clicks": 5,
                                "views": 3,
                                "click_to_calls": 2,
                                "calls": 2,
                                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                                "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                                "emails": 4,
                                "chats": 4,
                                "leads": 12,
                                "spend": 5.0,
                                "ctr": 2.3,
                                "cpc": 1.0,
                                "cpl": 0.42,
                                "intervals": [
                                        "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                                        "impressions": 217,
                                        "clicks": 5,
                                        "views": 3,
                                        "click_to_calls": 2,
                                        "calls": 2,
                                        "qualified_web_events": 2,
                                        "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                                        "emails": 4,
                                        "chats": 4,
                                        "leads": 12,
                                        "spend": 5.0,
                                        "ctr": 2.3,
                                        "cpc": 1.0,
                                        "cpl": 0.42
        "totals": {
            "impressions": 1069,
            "clicks": 17,
            "views": 8,
            "click_to_calls": 10,
            "calls": 10,
            "qualified_web_events": 2,
            "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
            "emails": 8,
            "chats": 8,
            "leads": 28,
            "spend": 25.0,
            "ctr": 1.59,
            "cpc": 1.47,
            "cpl": 0.89
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-09-15",
                "impressions": 1069,
                "clicks": 17,
                "views": 8,
                "click_to_calls": 10,
                "calls": 10,
                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                "emails": 8,
                "chats": 8,
                "leads": 28,
                "spend": 25.0,
                "ctr": 1.59,
                "cpc": 1.47,
                "cpl": 0.89
        "totals_by_channel": [
                "channel": "search",
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "channel": "display",
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "channel": "other",
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "channel": "social",
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "channel": "lsa",
                "impressions": 2917,
                "clicks": 31,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 32,
                "calls": 32,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 13,
                "chats": 13,
                "leads": 58,
                "spend": 58.38,
                "ctr": 1.06,
                "cpc": 1.88,
                "cpl": 1.01
                "channel": "chat",
                "impressions": 217,
                "clicks": 5,
                "views": 5,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                "emails": 4,
                "chats": 4,
                "leads": 12,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 2.3,
                "cpc": 1.0,
                "cpl": 0.42
                "channel": "video",
                "impressions": 580,
                "clicks": 6,
                "views": 6,
                "click_to_calls": 6,
                "calls": 6,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 3,
                "chats": 3,
                "leads": 12,
                "spend": 12.51,
                "ctr": 1.03,
                "cpc": 2.09,
                "cpl": 1.04
        "totals_by_publisher": [
                "publisher": "Google",
                "publisher_id": 1,
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "publisher": " API",
                "publisher_id": 49,
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "publisher": "Youtube - Google",
                "publisher_id": 65,
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "publisher": "Facebook",
                "publisher_id": 38,
                "impressions": 213,
                "clicks": 3,
                "views": 3,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 0,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 0,
                "emails": 1,
                "chats": 1,
                "leads": 4,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 1.41,
                "cpc": 1.67,
                "cpl": 1.25
                "publisher": "Apex Chat - VendoMax Inc.",
                "publisher_id": 1400,
                "impressions": 217,
                "clicks": 5,
                "views": 5,
                "click_to_calls": 2,
                "calls": 2,
                "qualified_web_events": 2,
                "non_qualified_web_events": 2,
                "emails": 4,
                "chats": 4,
                "leads": 12,
                "spend": 5.0,
                "ctr": 2.3,
                "cpc": 1.0,
                "cpl": 0.42

Lead Info APIs/Webhooks


We have HIPAA Compliant APIs, Webhooks and apps on the Zapier marketplace to support CRM integrations.

API (Interface to the data)

Webhook (Event driven automated interface to the data)

Apps on Zapier Marketplace

Contacts/Lead APIs


Summary: This HIPAA Compliant endpoint supports integration with CRM products. It returns all contacts (first name, last name, email and/or phone number) generated by a campaign for an advertiser. The response is organized by campaigns with the contacts nested within. Please note that the response also includes the associated contact and its meta data.

Parameters: It requires the following parameters for a successful response: GMAID (advertiser ID), created_before date and created_after_date.

Recommended usage pattern: A one-time call to the API to fetch all past interactions recorded by the LocaliQ platform, followed by daily recurrent calls for a 2 -3-day period to fetch new interactions. The results are paginated. If there is no data for a particular attribute, it will not be present in the results.

Please note that the contact information in this endpoint is for linking the interactions/leads with the contact. Importing them as contacts into your CRM from this endpoint will cause duplicates.

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /crm/contacts?[params]


Parameter Required Description
global_master_advertiser_id yes The global master advertiser id (for example, TEST_1).
created_after_date yes Specifies the lower bound for the earliest date and time when searching for contacts. All contacts returned in the response will have been created on or after this date. The format expected is YYYY-MM-DD.
created_before_date yes Specifies the upper bound for the latest date and time when searching for contacts. All contacts returned in the response will have been created before this date. The format expected is YYYY-MM-DD.
page no The page number of the paginated result set to return. This parameter is optional, but if the page requested doesn’t exist in the result set defined by the other parameters an empty JSON array is returned
Default value: 1.

Response Data Details

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", "OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "page": 1,
    "total_pages": 2,
    "next_page_location": "",
    "contacts": [
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "id": 862741,
            "created_at": "2019-01-04T15:24:31Z",
            "tags": [],
            "first_name": "Charlie",
            "last_name": "Bucket",
            "email": "",
            "phone_work": "2188675309",
            "address1": "21700 Oxnard st",
            "address2": "suite 1600",
            "city": "Woodland hills",
            "state": "California",
            "postal": "91367",
            "country": "United States of America"
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "id": 864211,
            "created_at": "2019-01-04T18:21:53Z",
            "tags": [],
            "first_name": "Augustus",
            "email": ""
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "id": 868881,
            "created_at": "2019-01-08T18:42:53Z",
            "tags": [
            "first_name": "Mike",
            "last_name": "Teavee",
            "email": "",
            "phone_work": ""
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "id": 869231,
            "created_at": "2019-01-08T20:51:03Z",
            "tags": [],
            "first_name": "Violet",
            "last_name": "Beauregarde",
            "email": "",
            "phone_work": "6128675309",
            "address1": "1234 Oak St",
            "city": "Springfield",
            "state": "CA",
            "postal": "90210",
            "country": "United States Minor Outlying Islands"
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "id": 869271,
            "created_at": "2019-01-08T21:43:31Z",
            "tags": [
                "Direct Site Traffic"
            "first_name": "Veruca",
            "last_name": "Salt",
            "email": "",
            "phone_work": "9525551212"

The body of the API response will contain metadata and a JSON array of contact objects.


Field Name Description
global_master_advertiser_id Global Master Advertiser ID of the contacts requested
page Current page number being displayed
total_pages Total number of pages of results
next_page_location Complete URL that can be used to retrieve the next page of results. Will be null if there are no more pages.


Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this contact.
first_name String The first name of the contact.
The field is nullable
last_name String The last name of the contact.
The field is nullable
email String The email address of the contact.
The field is nullable
company String The company name for this contact.
The field is nullable
title String The title for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_home String The home phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_work String The work phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_mobile String The mobile phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_fax String The fax phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
address1 String The first address line for this contact.
The field is nullable
address2 String The second address line for this contact.
The field is nullable
city String The city for this contact.
The field is nullable
state String The state for this contact.
The field is nullable
postal String The postal code for this contact.
The field is nullable
country String The country for this contact.
The field is nullable
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users for the contact.
The field is nullable
tags Array of String When present represents a collection of tags use for applying ad-hoc categorization and collation of contacts.
The field is nullable
status String The status of the contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_lead, client and none.
created_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was created.
The field is nullable
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was archived.
The field is nullable

Contact Interactions/Leads

Summary: This HIPAA Compliant endpoint supports integration with CRM products. It returns all interactions (or leads) generated by a campaign for an advertiser. The response is organized by campaigns with the interactions nested within. Please note that the response also includes the associated contact and its meta data.

Parameters: It requires the following parameters for a successful response: GMAID (advertiser ID), created_before date and created_after_date. An optional event_type parameter can be specified, to limit results to one of chat, call, or form.

Recommended usage pattern: A one-time call to the API to fetch all past interactions recorded by the LocaliQ platform, followed by daily recurrent calls for a 2 -3-day period to fetch new interactions. The results are paginated. If there is no data for a particular attribute, it will not be present in the results.

Please note that the contact information in this endpoint is for linking the interactions/leads with the contact. Importing them as contacts into your CRM from this endpoint will cause duplicates.

Please note: If you have the Live Chat Platinum product, the API response can contain non-lead chat information. A non-lead chat is in which the visitor does not provide their contact details (i.e. their name + email or phone). The contact information in the response is mock data. If you would like to remove non-lead chats from your integration, please filter out interactions containing the email "".

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /crm/contact_interactions?[params]
GET /crm/contact_interactions/:id


Parameter Required Description
global_master_advertiser_id yes The global master advertiser id (for example, TEST_1).
created_after_date yes Specifies the lower bound for the earliest date and time when searching for contact interactions. All records returned in the response will have been created on or after this date. The format expected is YYYY-MM-DD.
created_before_date yes Specifies the upper bound for the latest date and time when searching for contact interactions. All records returned in the response will have been created before this date. The format expected is YYYY-MM-DD.
page no The page number of the paginated result set to return. This parameter is optional, but if the page requested doesn’t exist in the result set defined by the other parameters an empty JSON array is returned.
Default value: 1
event_type no Must be one of chat, call, or form. Limits results to records of that type.

Response Data Details 

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", "OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'

Example Response

    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",
    "page": 1,
    "total_pages": 5,
    "next_page_location": "",
    "contact_interactions": [
            "campaign_id": 400904,
            "campaign_name": "Organic Search",
            "id": 755428239,
            "created_at": "2023-01-04T15:31:11-08:00",
            "occured_at": "2023-01-04T15:28:46-08:00",
            "read_at": "2023-01-05T10:59:42-08:00",
            "tags": [
                "Call Lead",
                "Organic Search"
            "event_type": "call",
            "contact_id": 432323455,
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "display_name": "Flintstone, Fred",
            "contact": {
                "status": "pending_contact",
                "id": 432323455,
                "created_at": "2023-01-04T15:31:11-08:00",
                "tags": [
                    "Organic Search"
                "first_name": "Fred",
                "last_name": "Flintstone",
                "company": "",
                "phone_work": "+12627071229",
                "address1": "1234 Elm Street",
                "city": "Peoria",
                "state": "IL",
                "postal": "53095"
            "call": {
                "occured_at": "2023-01-04T15:28:46-08:00",
                "target_number": "1231231234",
                "recording_url": "",
                "duration": "00:55"
            "campaign_id": 26330,
            "campaign_name": "Direct Site Traffic",
            "id": 1013951,
            "created_at": "2019-01-07T13:26:09-08:00",
            "occured_at": "2019-01-07T13:26:05-08:00",
            "tags": [
                "Direct Site Traffic",
            "event_type": "form",
            "contact_id": 9941,
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "display_name": "asdf",
            "contact": {
                "status": "pending_contact",
                "id": 9941,
                "created_at": "2017-11-16T11:11:04-08:00",
                "tags": [
                    "Direct Site Traffic"
                "first_name": "asdf",
                "last_name": "",
                "email": "",
                "phone_work": "asdf",
                "company": "Slate Quarry",
                "address1": "123 Rubble Street",
                "address2": "Suite 1",
                "city": "Bedrock",
                "state": "AZ",
                "postal": "86046",
                "country": "USA"
            "form": {
                "sub_type": "FormEmail",
                "subject": "Hi",
                "full_message": "Message:\nasdf",
                "message": "asdf",
                "extra_fields": {}
            "archived_at": "2019-01-08T13:26:05-08:00"
            "campaign_id": 48127271,
            "master_campaign_id": "390971619",
            "campaign_name": "GCI | SA Smart | Squirrel Feed",
            "id": 185074076,
            "created_at": "2022-12-25T12:37:57-05:00",
            "occured_at": "2022-12-25T12:37:55-05:00",
            "tags": [
                "Facebook Lead",
                "Form Lead",
                "GCI | SA Smart | Squirrel Feed"
            "event_type": "form",
            "contact_id": 91774815,
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "display_name": "Pez, Dispenser",
            "contact": {
                "status": "pending_contact",
                "id": 91774815,
                "created_at": "2022-12-25T12:37:57-05:00",
                "tags": [
                    "GCI | SA Smart | Squirrel Feed"
                "first_name": "Dispenser",
                "last_name": "Pez",
                "phone_work": "5555555095",
                "postal": "90732",
                "email": ""
            "form": {
                "sub_type": "FormPost",
                "full_message": "",
                "extra_fields": {
                    "fullName": "Dispenser Pez",
                    "zip_code": "90732",
                    "full_name": "Dispenser Pez",
                    "phone_number": "5555555095",
                    "are_you_the_homeowner?": "Yes",
                    "email": ""
            "campaign_id": 28002633,
            "campaign_name": "Organic Search",
            "id": 1876526262,
            "created_at": "2023-01-30T07:51:07-08:00",
            "occured_at": "2023-01-30T07:51:05-08:00",
            "tags": [
                "Chat Lead",
                "Organic Search",
                "Sales Chat"
            "event_type": "chat",
            "contact_id": 9293472379,
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "display_name": "Geddy Lee",
            "contact": {
                "status": "pending_contact",
                "id": 9293472379,
                "created_at": "2023-01-30T07:51:07-08:00",
                "tags": [
                    "Organic Search"
                "first_name": "Geddy",
                "last_name": "Lee",
                "email": "",
                "phone_work": "262-555-0147",
                "company": "Border Foods"
            "chat": {
                "summary": "Hello, I’m a Virtual Assistant ready to help. How can I help you?\r\nI need a ride to the gig.\r\nFor over 20 years, our commitment to customer service has made us the most professional transportation company on the North Shore of Boston. We have secured a reputation of outstanding dedication and service with our thousands of satisfied customers. Which of our services are you interested in?\r\nI need a ride to the gig.\r\nWe would be happy to help you. What is the date of your event?\r\nFebruary 10.2023\r\nThank you. May I have your name?\r\nGeddy\r\nThanks Geddy. How can we get in touch?\r\nEmail Me\r\nMay I have your email address?\r\n<a href='mailto:bass_player' target='blank'></a>\r\nMay we also have your phone number, to better follow up with you?\r\nSure\r\nPlease provide your phone number below.\r\n262-555-0147\r\nThank you. Is there anything else we should know?\r\nNo. Thank you \r\nThank you for contacting us. My staff will follow up with you.Have a great day!\r\n",
                "transcript": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:50:06 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Hello, I’m a Virtual Assistant ready to help. How can I help you?"
                        "id": 2,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:50:09 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "I need a ride to the gig."
                        "id": 3,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:50:09 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "For over 20 years, our commitment to customer service has made us the most professional transportation company on the North Shore of Lake Superior. We have secured a reputation of outstanding dedication and service with our hundreds of satisfied customers. Which of our services are you interested in?"
                        "id": 4,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:50:31 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "I need a ride to the gig."
                        "id": 5,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:50:31 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "We offer limousines, SUVs, and party buses that can fit up to 32 guests. We offer a wide variety of new vehicles that always leave our garage looking impeccable, as a luxury vehicle should. Our chauffeurs are always dressed appropriately, black suit and black tie or for formal events, a full tuxedo to add an air of distinction to your special occasion. Please tell me a bit about what you’re looking for."
                        "id": 6,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:22 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "I need a ride to the gig."
                        "id": 7,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:22 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "We would be happy to help you. What is the date of your event?"
                        "id": 8,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:40 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "February 10.2023"
                        "id": 9,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:41 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Thank you. May I have your name?"
                        "id": 10,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:50 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Geddy"
                        "id": 11,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:51:50 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Thanks Geddy. How can we get in touch?"
                        "id": 12,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:00 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Email Me"
                        "id": 13,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:00 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "May I have your email address?"
                        "id": 14,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:12 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": ""
                        "id": 15,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:13 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "May we also have your phone number, to better follow up with you?"
                        "id": 16,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:22 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Sure"
                        "id": 17,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:22 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Please provide your phone number below."
                        "id": 18,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:35 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "262-555-0147"
                        "id": 19,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:52:36 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Thank you. Is there anything else we should know?"
                        "id": 20,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:53:01 AM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "No. Thank you"
                        "id": 21,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:53:01 AM",
                        "from": "Virtual Assistant:",
                        "message": "Thank you for contacting us. My staff will follow up with you.Have a great day!"
                        "id": 22,
                        "timestamp": "1/30/2023 10:53:04 AM",
                        "from": "System:",
                        "message": "The chat session has ended."

The body of the API response will contain metadata and a JSON array of contact interaction objects.


Field Name Description
global_master_advertiser_id Global Master Advertiser ID of the contact interactions requested
page Current page number being displayed
total_pages Total number of pages of results
next_page_location Complete URL that can be used to retrieve the next page of results. Will be null if there are no more pages.

Contact Interaction

Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this contact interaction.
contact_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the contact to which this contact interaction belongs.
campaign_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the campaign that this contact interaction is attributed to.
campaign_name String The name of the campaign that this contact interaction is attributed to.
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was archived.
The field is nullable
created_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was created.
important_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was marked important.
The field is nullable
occured_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction occurred. This will usually be different than the date that the contact interaction was created.
read_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was marked read.
The field is nullable
display_name String The display name of the contact interaction.
event_type String The type of the contact interaction . Valid values are chat, call and form.
status String The status of the associated contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_contact interaction, client and none.
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users onto the contact interaction .
The field is nullable
tags Array of String When present represents a collection of tags use for applying ad-hoc categorization and collation of contact interactions
The field is nullable.
contact Contact The contact to which this contact interaction belongs. See the contacts page of this document for details

Depending on the type of contact interaction (see the event_type attribute), the payload will also include one of the following:


Field Type Description
summary String A freeform text description of the chat.
The field is nullable
transcript Array An ordered array of Chat transcript objects.

ChatTranscript Object

Field Type Description
id Integer A sequential id of the line chat transcript. It uniquely identifies a line of the chat transcript within this contact interaction.
timestamp String The date and time that the external chat API registered for this line of the chat transcript.
from String The display name of the member of the chat who sent this message.
message String The message body of this line of the chat transcript.


Field Type Description
occured_at Datetime The date and time that the call occurred.
duration Integer The duration of the call in seconds.
recording_url String The URL address to an audio recording of the call.
target_number String the business's phone number that rang.
dialed_umber String the tracking number that was shown to the user
caller_number String the caller's phone number

Form Fill

Field Type Description
sub_type String The subtype of the form. Valid values are FormPost and FormEmail.
full_message String The full form message
subject String The field is nullable
extra_fields JSON Object with custom attributes The field is nullable

CRM Webhooks

Client Center Webhook

Client Center has an automation feature that is capable of triggering on “New Lead for New Contact” and “New Lead for Existing Contact” events. When either of these events occur, this webhook integration will trigger and POST the Lead Event JSON Payload to a URL configured for the webhook. Create a webhook using the integrations account setting.

Integrations webhook

When creating a webhook integration in Client Center, the CRM provider should be asked for the Payload URL.

Create webhook

Webhook Components:

All leads for an advertiser will be sent through the webhook and cannot be filtered by a specific campaign.

Custom Webhook

Register via API

Webhook option: We also have a Webhook to receive contacts in real time as they are recorded in the LocaliQ platform. Our endpoint enables registration for webhook callbacks when new contacts or contact interactions occur. It requires the following parameters for a successful response: GMAID (advertiser ID).

Zapier App: The contact webhook is available as an integration on the Zapier marketplace.

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{ \"event_type\": \"new_contact\", \"url\": \"\", \"authorization\": \"token jokin\" }"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OOkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{ \"event_type\": \"new_contact\", \"url\": \"\", \"authorization\": \"token jokin\" }");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", "OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{ "event_type": "new_contact", "url": "", "authorization": "token jokin" }'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "84+TEST_1"

This ID will be needed in the event the user chooses to de-register the webhook.

Resource Overview



Parameter Required Description
global_master_advertiser_id yes The global master advertiser id (for example, TEST_1).


Key Description
event_type We support both new_contact and new_lead as event types. When event_type is new_contact, the registered webhook is created for new lead for a new contact. When the event_type is new_lead, the registered webhook is created for a new lead for an existing contact.
url Endpoint Webhook should POST data to
authorization Authorization for Endpoint Webhook POSTs data to

Response Data Details The body of the API response will the id of the webhook.


Field Name Description
id identifier of the webhook registration.

Deregister via API

This endpoint De-registers a webhook created using the above register webhook method. The ID returned by the register method is used to de-register the webhook.

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["Authorization"] = 'OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("Authorization", "OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
curl --request DELETE \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "id": "84+TEST_1"

Resource Overview


Response Data Details

A response status code of 200 indicates that the webhook was successfully de-registered. A response status code of 404 indicates that the webhook ID was not found.

The body of the API response will be the id of the webhook that was deleted.


Field Name Description
id identifier of the webhook registration.

Webhook Payload

The lead event that triggered the webhook will be sent to the specified payload URL as an HTTP POST with a content type of application/json.

Lead Object

Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this lead event.
contact_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the contact to which this lead belongs.
campaign_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the campaign that this lead is attributed to.
master_campaign_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the campaign that this lead is attributed to.
campaign_name String The name of the campaign that this lead is attributed to.
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this lead event was archived.
The field is nullable
created_at Datetime The date and time which this lead event was created.
important_at Datetime The date and time which this lead event was marked important.
The field is nullable
occured_at Datetime The date and time which this lead event occurred. This will usually be different than the date that the lead event was created.
display_name String The display name of the lead event.
event_type String The type of the lead event. Valid values are chat, call and form.
status String The status of the associated contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_lead, client and none.
The field is nullable
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users onto the lead event.
The field is nullable
tags Array of String When present represents a collection of tags use for applying ad-hoc categorization and collation of lead events.
The field is nullable
contact Contact The contact to which this lead event belongs.
chat Chat The lead event payload will include a single chat, call or form object. The object type will match the event_type field.
call Call The lead event payload will include a single chat, call or form object. The object type will match the event_type field.
form Form The lead event payload will include a single chat, call or form object. The object type will match the event_type field.

Contact Object

Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this contact.
first_name String The first name of the contact.
The field is nullable
last_name String The last name of the contact.
The field is nullable
email String The email address of the contact.
The field is nullable
company String The company name for this contact.
The field is nullable
title String The title for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_home String The home phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_work String The work phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_mobile String The mobile phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
phone_fax String The fax phone number for this contact.
The field is nullable
address1 String The first address line for this contact.
The field is nullable
address2 String The second address line for this contact.
The field is nullable
city String The city for this contact.
The field is nullable
state String The state for this contact.
The field is nullable
postal String The postal code for this contact.
The field is nullable
country String The country for this contact.
The field is nullable
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users for the contact.
The field is nullable
tags Array of String When present represents a collection of tags use for applying ad-hoc categorization and collation of contacts.
The field is nullable
status String The status of the contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_lead, client and none.
created_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was created.
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was archived.
The field is nullable

Chat Object

Chat Lead Event

  "lead": {
    "campaign_id": 350851,
    "master_campaign_id": "2705608",
    "campaign_name": "Orange Paper",
    "id": 1632500,
    "created_at": "2021-07-30T15:54:30Z",
    "occured_at": "2021-07-30T15:54:28Z",
    "tags": [
      "Form Lead",
      "Orange Paper"
    "event_type": "form",
    "contact_id": 1414924,
    "status": "pending_contact",
    "display_name": "Adam Smith",
    "contact": {
      "status": "pending_contact",
      "id": 1414924,
      "created_at": "2021-07-30T15:38:55Z",
      "tags": [
        "Orange Paper"
      "first_name": "Adam",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "email": "",
      "company": "",
      "phone_mobile": "",
      "phone_work": "612-867-5309",
      "address1": "Ocean drive",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state": "",
      "postal": "",
      "country": ""
            "chat": {
                "summary": "Ronita \nNo\nOn campus \nDo your college offer medical billing?\nYes. \nRonita Wade and my number 8627049412; email:\nNewark, NJ\nThe Belleville location would be better for me. \nIt would be better in September. \nYes\nOk\nThank You, Jennifer but they don’t have medical billing. ",
                "transcript": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:05:06 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Hello, thanks for contacting Eastern International College. My name is Jennifer, may I have your name?"
                        "id": 2,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:05:23 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Ronita"
                        "id": 3,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:05:40 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Hi, Ronita.  Have you contacted Eastern International College before?"
                        "id": 4,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:05:46 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "No"
                        "id": 5,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:05:52 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Good to have you with us.  Are you interested in online or on-campus program?"
                        "id": 6,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:06:05 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "On campus"
                        "id": 7,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:06:07 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Okay.  Which of our programs are you interested in?"
                        "id": 8,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:06:22 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Do your college offer medical billing?"
                        "id": 9,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:06:57 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Alright.   One of our Admissions Representatives can discuss this in greater detail. May I have your first and last name along with your phone number and email to better assist you?"
                        "id": 10,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:07:31 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Yes."
                        "id": 11,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:08:36 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Ronita Wade and my number 862-704-9412; email:"
                        "id": 12,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:08:42 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Thank you for the contact information, Ronita.  Which city and state are you located in?"
                        "id": 13,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:09:09 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Newark, NJ"
                        "id": 14,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:09:35 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Great.  Which of our locations are you interested in attending Jersey City or Belleville location?"
                        "id": 15,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:10:08 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "The Belleville location would be better for me."
                        "id": 16,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:10:17 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Okay.  How soon are you interested in enrolling?"
                        "id": 17,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:11:06 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "It would be better in September."
                        "id": 18,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:11:20 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Sounds good!  For further assistance, I can connect you directly to our office by phone using our Call Connect service. Would you like to speak with someone now?"
                        "id": 19,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:11:53 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Yes"
                        "id": 20,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:12:23 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "Perfect.  One moment please, I'm attempting to connect you now (please be aware that, for routing purposes, your caller ID will show a 925 area code). Please pick up and wait to be connected. I will be here if you need anything."
                        "id": 21,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:12:48 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Ok"
                        "id": 22,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:13:29 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "You should now be connected. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
                        "id": 23,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:15:43 PM",
                        "from": "Visitor:",
                        "message": "Thank You, Jennifer but they don’t have medical billing."
                        "id": 24,
                        "timestamp": "5/10/2021 2:16:06 PM",
                        "from": "Jennifer:",
                        "message": "You are welcome.  Thank you for contacting Eastern International College. Have a nice day, Ronita!"
Field Type Description
summary String A freeform text description of the chat.
The field is nullable
transcript Array of ChatTranscripts An ordered array of chat transcript objects.

ChatTranscript Object

Field Type Description
id Integer A sequential id of the line chat transcript. It uniquely identifies a line of the chat transcript within this lead event.
timestamp String The date and time that the external chat API registered for this line of the chat transcript.
from String The display name of the member of the chat who sent this message.
message String The message body of this line of the chat transcript.

Call Object

Call Lead Event

            "campaign_id": 357509,
            "master_campaign_id": "2927264",
            "campaign_name": "Management Service | Eastern International College",
            "id": 136294964,
            "created_at": "2021-05-10T16:12:08-05:00",
            "occured_at": "2021-05-10T16:07:51-05:00",
            "tags": [
                "Call Lead",
                "Management Service | Eastern International College"
            "event_type": "call",
            "contact_id": 36996224,
            "status": "pending_contact",
            "display_name": "Bolanos, Kelly ",
            "contact": {
                "status": "pending_contact",
                "id": 36996224,
                "created_at": "2018-09-12T15:35:36-05:00",
                "tags": [
                    "Direct Site Traffic",
                    "Management Service | Eastern International College",
                    "Organic Search"
                "first_name": "Kelly ",
                "last_name": "Bolanos",
                "email": "",
                "phone_work": "9738611219",
                "postal": "07011",
                "company": "Eastern International College",
                "city": "",
                "state": ""
            "call": {
                "occured_at": "2021-05-10T16:07:51-05:00",
                "recording_url": "",
                "duration": "03:47"
Field Type Description
occured_at Datetime The date and time that the call occurred.
duration Integer The duration of the call in seconds.
recording_url String The URL address to an audio recording of the call.

Form Object

Form Lead Event

      "notes":"Free form event notes",
         "notes":"Some contact free form notes",
         "full_message":"Subject:\nLabore vel iusto dicta quidem.\n\nMessage:\nEt modi animi ex ut non enim. Voluptate sit laborum qui voluptatum similique ut praesentium. Ut vel dicta totam.",
         "subject":"Labore vel iusto dicta quidem.",
         "message":"Et modi animi ex ut non enim. Voluptate sit laborum qui voluptatum similique ut praesentium. Ut vel dicta totam.",
            "slogan":"Exclusive object-oriented time-frame",
            "SomeCustomField":"Eaque enim qui labore occaecati distinctio.",
            "another_custom_field":"Aut saepe quidem aut repudiandae soluta."

Email Lead Event

  "lead": {
    "campaign_id": 350851,
    "master_campaign_id": "2705608",
    "campaign_name": "Orange Paper",
    "id": 1632500,
    "created_at": "2021-07-30T15:54:30Z",
    "occured_at": "2021-07-30T15:54:28Z",
    "tags": [
      "Form Lead",
      "Orange Paper"
    "event_type": "form",
    "contact_id": 1414924,
    "status": "pending_contact",
    "display_name": "Adam Smith",
    "contact": {
      "status": "pending_contact",
      "id": 1414924,
      "created_at": "2021-07-30T15:38:55Z",
      "tags": [
        "Orange Paper"
      "first_name": "Adam",
      "last_name": "Smith",
      "email": "",
      "company": "",
      "phone_mobile": "",
      "phone_work": "612-867-5309",
      "address1": "Ocean drive",
      "address2": "",
      "city": "",
      "state": "",
      "postal": "",
      "country": ""
    "form": {
      "sub_type": "FormEmail",
      "full_message": "Message:\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod\ntempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,\nquis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo\nconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse\ncillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non\nproident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
      "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod\ntempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,\nquis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo\nconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse\ncillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non\nproident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.",
      "extra_fields": {
        "campaign_id": "USA_2705608",
        "campaign_name": "Orange Paper",
        "submit_button": "SUBMIT",
        "name": "Adam Smith",
        "phone": "6128675309",
        "email": "",
        "address": "",
        "address1": "",
        "postal": "",
        "country": "",
        "company": "",
        "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod\ntempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam,\nquis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo\nconsequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse\ncillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non\nproident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
Field Type Description
sub_type String The subtype of the form. Valid values are FormPost and FormEmail.
full_message String The full form message
subject String Subject
The field is nullable
extra_fields Array of String extra fields
The field is nullable

Lead Metric APIs

Marketing Activity

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/marketing_activity/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information from the Marketing activity API. Data can be returned for a GMAID by a specific date range determined by start date and end date.

Subtotals can be further aggregated given an interval, and will be totaled for day, calendar_week, or calendar_month. The first day of the interval will be used to denote the interval totals.

Use the master_campaign_id parameter to limit the results to a single Master Campaign ID.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
gmaid Yes Restrict results to the specified Global Master Advertiser ID
global_master_campaign_id[] No Restrict results to the specified master campaign id
interval_size No Return subtotals for the given intervals within the start-end time provided. Accepts calendar_month, calendar_week, or day (Default is day)

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \'

Retrieve data for a specific master campaign id

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1' \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates grouped by calendar week

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Retrieve data with all options together with results below

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&interval_size=calendar_week' \

Example Response

    "api_name": "marketing_activity",
    "api_run_date": "2021-10-25",
    "start_date": "2021-05-22",
    "end_date": "2021-05-25",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "global_master_campaign_id": "USA_3212412",
                "campaign_name": "SK | Slipknot Group | Heavy Metal",
                "campaign_type": "search",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "offer_id": 2101,
                "source": "XMO",
                "campaign_start_date": "2021-05-24",
                "campaign_end_date": "2021-06-24",
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2021-05-24",
                        "bookings": 7,
                        "sms": 2,
                        "visits": 6,
                        "chats": 0,
                        "calls": 0,
                        "forms": 0,
                        "channels": {
                            "search": {
                                "bookings": 3,
                                "sms": 2,
                                "visits": 5,
                                "chats": 0,
                                "calls": 0,
                                "forms": 0
                            "social": {
                              "bookings": 0,
                              "sms": 0,
                              "visits": 1,
                              "chats": 0,
                              "calls": 0,
                              "forms": 0
              "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 3,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 12,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "search": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2021-05-22",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 0,
                    "chats": 1,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 1
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 1,
                "total_forms": 1
        "social": {
            "intervals": [],
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "direct": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2021-05-22",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 28,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-23",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 9,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-24",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 16,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 53,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
         "shopping": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2021-05-22",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 28,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-23",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 9,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-24",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 16,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 53,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
         "video": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2021-05-22",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 28,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-23",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 9,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
                    "start_date": "2021-05-24",
                    "bookings": 0,
                    "sms": 0,
                    "visits": 16,
                    "chats": 0,
                    "calls": 0,
                    "forms": 0
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 53,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "directory": {
            "intervals": [],
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "marketplace": {
            "intervals": [],
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "other": {
            "intervals": [],
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "otherpaid": {
            "intervals": [],
             "totals": {
                "total_bookings": 0,
                "total_sms": 0,
                "total_visits": 0,
                "total_calls": 0,
                "total_chats": 0,
                "total_forms": 0
        "totals": {
            "total_bookings": 0,
            "total_sms": 2,
            "total_visits": 79,
            "total_calls": 0,
            "total_chats": 1,
            "total_forms": 0
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "USA_136048"
Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
report_data Report Data Object Report details
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Campaigns Object chat counts for chats attributed to paid campaigns
search Search Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to organic search sources
social Social Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to organic social sources
direct Direct Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to organic direct sources
directory Directory Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to organic directory sources
marketplace Marketplace Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to marketplace sources
other Other Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to other organic sources
otherpaid Otherpaid Object chat, booking, visit, call, form counts attributed to organic sources
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
campaign_name String Name of campaign
campaign_type String Type of campaign
campaign_status String Status of campaign
organization String Organization
offer_id String Offer id of the campaign
source String Source of the campaign
campaign_start_date String Start date of campaign
campaign_end_date String End date of campaign
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Search Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Social Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Direct Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Directory Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Marketplace Object (Deprecated)

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Other Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Otherpaid Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Intervals Object Data for specified interval
totals Totals Object Totals of vists, calls, bookings, chats and forms for each type

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
bookings Integer Number of total bookings
visits Integer Number of total visits
chats Integer Number of total chat
calls Integer Number of total calls
forms Integer Number of total forms and emails

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
total_bookings Integer Number of total bookings
total_visits Integer Number of total visits
total_calls Integer Number of total calls
total_chats Integer Number of total chats
total_forms Integer Number of total forms

Chat Summary

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/chat_summary/[gmaid]?[query_params]

This API can be used by customers who have our chat widget on their site. The API has metrics on each chat along with traffic information (Paid Campaign/Organic/Otherpaid).

Use GET to retrieve information from the Chat Summary API. Data can be returned for a GMAID by a specific date range determined by start date and end date.

Subtotals will be returned for each Master Campaign ID with chat activity in the specified date range.

Subtotals can be further aggregated given an interval, and will be totaled for day, calendar_week, or calendar_month. The first day of the interval will be used to denote the interval totals.

Use the master_campaign_id parameter to limit the results to a single Master Campaign ID.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
gmaid Yes Restrict results to the specified Global Master Advertiser ID
global_master_campaign_id[] No Restrict results to the specified master campaign id
interval_size No Return subtotals for the given intervals within the start-end time provided. Accepts calendar_month, calendar_week, or day (Default is day)

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \'

Retrieve data for a specific master campaign id

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1' \

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates grouped by calendar week

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Retrieve data with all options together with results below

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&interval_size=calendar_week' \

Example Response

    "api_name": "chat_summary",
    "api_run_date": "2020-10-16",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "none",
    "currency": "USD",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691177",
                "campaign_name": "Display Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "display",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 7,
                        "chat_leads": 7,
                        "chat_sales": 7,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691180",
                "campaign_name": "Search Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "search",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 10,
                        "chat_leads": 10,
                        "chat_sales": 10,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691183",
                "campaign_name": "Totaltrack Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "totaltrack_phone",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 9,
                        "chat_leads": 9,
                        "chat_sales": 9,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691187",
                "campaign_name": "Totaltrack Web Phone Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "totaltrack_web_phone",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 5,
                        "chat_leads": 5,
                        "chat_sales": 5,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691190",
                "campaign_name": "Totaltrack Web Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "totaltrack_web",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 7,
                        "chat_leads": 7,
                        "chat_sales": 7,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691195",
                "campaign_name": "Other Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "other",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 6,
                        "chat_leads": 6,
                        "chat_sales": 6,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691205",
                "campaign_name": "Chat Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "chat",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 9,
                        "chat_leads": 9,
                        "chat_sales": 9,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691211",
                "campaign_name": "Facebook Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "display",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 8,
                        "chat_leads": 8,
                        "chat_sales": 8,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691217",
                "campaign_name": "Geofence Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "display",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 6,
                        "chat_leads": 6,
                        "chat_sales": 6,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691223",
                "campaign_name": "Youtube Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "display",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 8,
                        "chat_leads": 8,
                        "chat_sales": 8,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691233",
                "campaign_name": "Xmedia Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "xmedia",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 5,
                        "chat_leads": 5,
                        "chat_sales": 5,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_691233",
                "campaign_name": "Targeted Email Campaign (Demo)",
                "campaign_type": "email",
                "campaign_status": "running",
                "organization": "reachlocal",
                "campaign_start_date": "2020-01-01",
                "campaign_end_date": null,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                        "non_lead_chats": 0,
                        "total_chats": 11,
                        "chat_leads": 11,
                        "chat_sales": 11,
                        "chat_service": 0,
                        "chat_other": 0,
                        "call_connect": 0
        "organic": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                    "non_lead_chats": 0,
                    "total_chats": 0,
                    "chat_leads": 0,
                    "chat_sales": 0,
                    "chat_service": 0,
                    "chat_other": 0,
                    "call_connect": 0
        "otherpaid": {
            "intervals": [
                    "start_date": "2020-10-11",
                    "non_lead_chats": 0,
                    "total_chats": 0,
                    "chat_leads": 0,
                    "chat_sales": 0,
                    "chat_service": 0,
                    "chat_other": 0,
                    "call_connect": 0
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"
Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval Size ('none', 'day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
report_data Object Report details. Report Data Object
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object chat counts for chats attributed to paid campaigns. Campaigns Object
organic Object chat counts for chats attributed to organic sources (Organic search, Direct Site Traffic, etc.) Organic Object
otherpaid Object chat counts for chats attributed to paid traffic by other media vendors. Otherpaid Object

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
campaign_name String Name of campaign
campaign_type String Type of campaign
campaign_status String Status of campaign
organization String Organization
campaign_start_date String Start date of campaign
campaign_end_date String End date of campaign
intervals Object Data for specified interval. Intervals Object

Organic Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Object Data for specified interval. Intervals Object

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
non_lead_chats Integer Number of non-lead chats, has no email address or phone number to create a Contact
total_chats Integer Number of total chats, includes non lead chats
chat_leads Integer Number of chat leads, excludes non lead chats
chat_sales Integer Number of chats marked as 'sales'
chat_service Integer Number of chats marked as 'service'
chat_other Integer Number of chats marked as 'other'
call_connect Integer Subset of chats that initiated a call connect

Otherpid Object

Field Name Datatype Description
intervals Object Data for specified interval. Intervals Object

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
non_lead_chats Integer Number of non-lead chats, has no email address or phone number to create a Contact
total_chats Integer Number of total chats, includes non lead chats
chat_leads Integer Number of chat leads, excludes non lead chats
chat_sales Integer Number of chats marked as 'sales'
chat_service Integer Number of chats marked as 'service'
chat_other Integer Number of chats marked as 'other'
call_connect Integer Subset of chats that initiated a call connect

Lead Details

Resource Overview  

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/lead_detail/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve information for the Lead Details report for a given advertiser.

The report will contains calls, emails, web events, and chats broken down by day or month. It will also contain the number of calls broken down by call duration. A total section will contain all the calls, unique calls, calls connected, average call length, emails, web events, chats and leads for the date range specified. Finally, the report will have a break down for calls by hour for each day of the week.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details  

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Example Response

    "report_type": "lead_detail",
    "report_date": "2020-10-15",
    "earliest_date_available": "2020-01-01",
    "start_date": "2020-10-10",
    "end_date": "2020-10-10",
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "interval_size": "day",
    "report_data": {
        "totals_per_interval": [
                "start_date": "2020-10-10",
                "calls": 71,
                "emails": 85,
                "web_events": 86,
                "qualified_web_events": 87,
                "chats": 88
        "call_duration": [
                "duration": "0-29",
                "total": 14
                "duration": "30-59",
                "total": 15
                "duration": "60-119",
                "total": 15
                "duration": "120",
                "total": 27
        "calls_by_time_and_day": {
            "saturday": {
                "0": 2,
                "1": 2,
                "2": 3,
                "3": 1,
                "4": 2,
                "5": 3,
                "6": 3,
                "7": 4,
                "8": 2,
                "9": 4,
                "10": 3,
                "11": 1,
                "12": 2,
                "13": 5,
                "14": 3,
                "15": 3,
                "16": 2,
                "17": 3,
                "18": 2,
                "19": 6,
                "20": 6,
                "21": 4,
                "22": 3,
                "23": 2
            "max": 6
        "totals": {
            "calls": 71,
            "unique_calls": 70,
            "calls_connected": 70,
            "average_call_length": 89.43,
            "emails": 85,
            "web_events": 86,
            "qualified_web_events": 87,
            "chats": 88,
            "leads": 417
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"

Field Name Datatype Description
report_type String Type of report
report_date String Date report ran
earliest_date_available String How far back data is available
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
time_zone String Time Zone
interval_size String Interval size for report
report_data Object Report Data Object.
global_master_advertiser_id String Identifier for advertiser

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
totals_per_interval Array Lead totals broken down by day or month. Totals Per Interval Array.
call_duration Array Call duration data. ('duration' duration range in seconds, 'totals' total calls for duration)
totals Object Totals. Totals Object.
calls_by_time_and_day Object Call by hour by day. (day of week, hour of day)

Totals Per Interval Array

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date for interval
calls Integer Calls for interval
emails Integer Emails for interval
web_events Integer Web events for interval
qualified_web_events Integer A lead generating CVT/Web Event
chats Integer Total chat generated by paid traffic for interval

Totals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
calls Integer Total calls
unique_calls Integer Total unique calls
calls_connected Integer Total calls connected
average_call_length Integer Total average call length
emails Integer Total emails
web_events Integer Total web events
qualified_web_events Integer A lead generating CVT/Web Event
chats Integer Total chat generated by paid traffic
leads Integer Total leads

Cycles Array

Field Name Datatype Description
campaign_cycle String Identifier for cycle
start_date String Start date of cycle
end_date String End date of cycle
name String Name of cycle

LSA Campaign Metrics

Resource Overview   

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/google_local_service_ads/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve the Local Service Ads Campaign Metrics report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include rating_score, total_reviews, charged_leads, phone_calls and total_cost values organized by campaign.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or after this date.
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or before this date.

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details   

Retrieve data for advertiser and date range

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Example Response

    "report_type": "google_local_service_ads",
    "report_date": "2020-09-10",
    "start_date": "2020-09-01",
    "end_date": "2020-09-02",
    "currency": "USD",
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "USA_5713",
    "advertiser_name": "My Service Company",
    "report_data": {
        "campaigns": [
                "name": "My Service Co LSA HVAC",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "USA_77777777",
                "start_date": "2020-04-30",
                "end_date": "2020-06-04",
                "type": "lsa",
                "status": "ended",
                "goals": [],
                "weekly_budget": 461.0,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-09-01",
                        "rating_score": 4.8,
                        "total_reviews": 192,
                        "charged_leads": 0,
                        "phone_calls": 1,
                        "total_cost": 0.0
                        "start_date": "2020-09-02",
                        "rating_score": 4.8,
                        "total_reviews": 192,
                        "charged_leads": 2,
                        "phone_calls": 2,
                        "total_cost": 50.0
                "name": "My Service Co LSA Plumbing",
                "global_master_campaign_id": "USA_88888888",
                "start_date": "2020-04-30",
                "end_date": "2020-06-04",
                "type": "lsa",
                "status": "ended",
                "goals": [],
                "weekly_budget": 461.0,
                "intervals": [
                        "start_date": "2020-09-01",
                        "rating_score": 4.8,
                        "total_reviews": 192,
                        "charged_leads": 0,
                        "phone_calls": 1,
                        "total_cost": 0.0
                        "start_date": "2020-09-02",
                        "rating_score": 4.8,
                        "total_reviews": 192,
                        "charged_leads": 2,
                        "phone_calls": 2,
                        "total_cost": 50.0
Field Name Datatype Description
api_name String Name of the API
api_run_date String Date report was run
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
currency String Currency Type of Monetary Values Returned in Report (Example: USD, AUD, CAD)
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID
advertiser_name String Name of the Advertiser
report_data Object Report details. Report Data Object

Report Data Object

Field Name Datatype Description
campaigns Object Data for specified campaign. Campaigns Object

Campaigns Object

Field Name Datatype Description
name String Name of campaign
global_master_campaign_id String Identifier for campaign
start_date String Start date of campaign
end_date String End date of campaign
type String Type of campaign
status String Status of campaign
goals Object Goals Object
weekly_budget Decimal Weekly Budget for the campaign
publisher_account_id String Identifier for the publisher account
intervals Object Data for specified interval. Intervals Object

Goals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
goal_type_id String Identifier for campaign goal type
goal_type String Name(Type) of goal type

Intervals Object

Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of interval
rating_score Decimal Rating Score
total_reviews Integer Number numebr of Review
charged_leads Integer Number of charged leads
chat_sales Integer Number of Phone Calls
total_cost Decimal Total Cost

LSA Campaign Metrics Rollup

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /leads/lsa_events/campaign_rollup?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve Local Service Ads metrics rolled up by camapgin for a given advertiser.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
global_master_advertiser_id Yes Only leads for the specified advertiser will be returned.
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or after this date.
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or before this date.

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details 

Retrieve data for advertiser and date range

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Example Response

    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_123",
    "start_date": "2020-09-01",
    "end_date": "2020-09-31",
    "campaigns": [
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1230",
            "campaign_name": "GCI | LSA | Bedrock HVAC",
            "campaign_type": "lsa",
            "lead_counts": [
                    "lead_type": "MESSAGE",
                    "charged_lead_count": 0,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 4,
                    "total_lead_count": 4,
                    "total_lead_price": 0.0
                    "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
                    "charged_lead_count": 91,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 8,
                    "total_lead_count": 99,
                    "total_lead_price": 2275.0
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1231",
            "campaign_name": "GCI | LSA | Bedrock Plumbing",
            "campaign_type": "lsa",
            "lead_counts": [
                    "lead_type": "MESSAGE",
                    "charged_lead_count": 0,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 3,
                    "total_lead_count": 3,
                    "total_lead_price": 0.0
                    "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
                    "charged_lead_count": 159,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 7,
                    "total_lead_count": 166,
                    "total_lead_price": 3975.0
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1233",
            "campaign_name": "GCI | LSA | Bedrock Electrical",
            "campaign_type": "lsa",
            "lead_counts": [
                    "lead_type": "MESSAGE",
                    "charged_lead_count": 0,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 3,
                    "total_lead_count": 3,
                    "total_lead_price": 0.0
                    "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
                    "charged_lead_count": 72,
                    "not_charged_lead_count": 4,
                    "total_lead_count": 76,
                    "total_lead_price": 1080.0
Field Name Datatype Description
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
campaigns Object Campaign details. Campaign Detail Object

Campaign Detail Object

Field Name Datatype Description
global_master_campaign_id String ID Of campaign
campaign_name String The name of the campaign
campaign_type String The type of campaign
lead_counts Object Metrics for each lead type. Lead Type Detail Object

Lead Type Metrics

Field Name Datatype Description
lead_type String The type of lead
charged_lead_count Integer The number of leads of this type for this campaign that were charged
not_charged_lead_count Integer The number of leads of this type for this campaign that were not charged
total_lead_count Integer The total number of leads of this type for this campaign
total_lead_price Integer The price for the charged leads

LSA Lead Details

Resource Overview 

Method URI Format
GET /leads/lsa_events?[query_params]

Use GET to retrieve Local Service Ads Leads for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include individual leads in reverse chronological order.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Required Function
global_master_advertiser_id Yes Only leads for the specified advertiser will be returned.
start_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or after this date.
end_date Yes Restricts the results to those ocurring on or before this date.
global_master_campaign_id[] No Restricts the results to those belonging to these campaigns.
per_page No Restrict number of leads in result. Default is 50
page No Specifies which page of results to return. Default is 1

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details 

Retrieve data for advertiser and date range

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \' \

Example Response

    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_123",
    "start_date": "2020-09-27",
    "end_date": "2020-09-28",
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 50,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "lsa_events": [
            "event_id": "4819",
            "event_time": "2020-09-27T20:26:30.000Z",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1232",
            "cycle_id": "444",
            "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
            "lead_name": "Mr. Letty Mann",
            "lead_phone_number": "126.235.0549 x2631",
            "job_type": "install",
            "zip_code": "93247-8802",
            "lead_category": "hvac",
            "charged": "0",
            "lead_price": "30",
            "campaign_name": "Amazing discount188618s"
            "event_id": "1351",
            "event_time": "2020-09-27T19:03:37.000Z",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1230",
            "cycle_id": "444",
            "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
            "lead_name": "Ms. Annita Anderson",
            "lead_phone_number": "1-904-299-5528 x85872",
            "job_type": "install",
            "zip_code": "55939",
            "lead_category": "hvac",
            "charged": "0",
            "lead_price": "30",
            "campaign_name": "Sweet savings324049s"

Retrieve data for advertiser and date range, with campaign filter

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1232' \

Example Response

    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_123",
    "start_date": "2020-09-27",
    "end_date": "2020-09-28",
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 50,
    "total_pages": 1,
    "lsa_events": [
            "event_id": "4819",
            "event_time": "2020-09-27T20:26:30.000Z",
            "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1232",
            "cycle_id": "444",
            "lead_type": "PHONE_CALL",
            "lead_name": "Mr. Letty Mann",
            "lead_phone_number": "126.235.0549 x2631",
            "job_type": "install",
            "zip_code": "93247-8802",
            "lead_category": "hvac",
            "charged": "0",
            "lead_price": "30",
            "campaign_name": "Amazing discount188618s"
Field Name Datatype Description
start_date String Start date of report
end_date String End date of report
global_master_advertiser_id String Global Master Advertiser ID
page Integer Page Number of results
per_page Integer Max number of results per page
total_pages Integer Number of available pages of results
lsa_events Object Report details. Lead Detail Object

Lead Detail Object

Field Name Datatype Description
event_id String ID Of lead
event_time String Time lead event ocurred
global_master_campaign_id String ID Of campaign for this lead
cycle_id String ID of the campaign cycle for this lead
lead_type String The type of the lead, e.g.: PHONE_CALL
lead_name String The first and last name of the lead
lead_phone_number String The leads phone number
job_type String The type of service job for this lead
zip_code String The zip code for the lead
lead_category String The lead category
charged String Was this a charged lead?
lead_price String The price of the lead
campaign_name String The name of the campaign for the lead

LocaliQ App on Zapier®

Summary: Zapier® is a tool that allows two systems to exchange data without any coding. LocaliQ makes available a lead app on the Zapier® platform for CRM integration.

Note: There is an additional monthly subscription cost through Zapier®. The cost depends on the number of leads sent per month and the number of leads transmitted between the systems (which Zapier® refers to as "Tasks"). Pricing information for Zapier® can be found here.

LocaliQ App Options:

There are two options under the LocaliQ App on Zapier®.

Recommended Usage Pattern:

This is a self-service solution and it is recommended for the client to use their Zapier® account and to create a Zap between our LocaliQ leads app and their CRM app. Leads from all their campaigns will flow real time from our platform to their CRM.

As an alternative, if you would like LocaliQ to create the Zap, maintain, and manage it using our Zapier® account, please reach your account team and request Offer 2095. This service is available at an additional fee.

LocaliQ Account on Zapier

How Do I Connect to My LocaliQ Account on Zapier?

1) Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account.

2) Navigate to "My Apps" from the top menu bar.

3) Now click on "Connect a new account..." and search for "LocaliQ"

4) Use your LocaliQ business user credentials to connect your LocaliQ account to Zapier.

5) Once that's done you can start creating an automation! Use a pre-made Zap or create your own with the Zap Editor. Creating a Zap requires no coding knowledge and you'll be walked step-by-step through the setup.

6) Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with LocaliQ and Zapier.

Creating a Zap?

1) Click "Make a New Zap!" button in the upper right-hand corner of the Zapier® Dashboard

2) Pick the LocaliQ Contacts or Contact Interactions option as your Trigger

3) Choose the Action to map data to the receiving system (this could either be your CRM's app or a POST to an endpoint)

4) Enable the Zap and your are done!

Also see: Learn key concepts in Zapier®

Contact Interactions

Summary: This HIPAA Compliant trigger returns all interactions (or leads) generated by a campaign for an advertiser.

Contact Interaction Details

Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this contact interaction.
contact_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the contact to which this contact interaction belongs.
campaign_id Integer An integer uniquely identifying the campaign that this contact interaction is attributed to.
campaign_name String The name of the campaign that this contact interaction is attributed to.
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was archived.
created_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was created.
important_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was marked important.
occured_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction occurred. This will usually be different than the date that the contact interaction was created.
read_at Datetime The date and time which this contact interaction was marked read.
display_name String The display name of the contact interaction.
event_type String The type of the contact interaction . Valid values are chat, call and form.
status String The status of the associated contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_contact interaction, client and none.
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users onto the contact interaction .
tags Array of String When present represents a collection of tags use for applying ad-hoc categorization and collation of contact interactions.
contact Contact The contact to which this contact interaction belongs. See the contacts page of this document for details

Depending on the type of contact interaction (see the event_type attribute), the payload will also include one of the following:


Field Nullable Description
summary String A freeform text description of the chat.
transcript Array of ChatTranscripts An ordered array of chat transcript objects.

ChatTranscript Object

Field Type Description
id Integer A sequential id of the line chat transcript. It uniquely identifies a line of the chat transcript within this contact interaction.
timestamp Datetime The date and time that the external chat API registered for this line of the chat transcript.
from String The display name of the member of the chat who sent this message.
message String The message body of this line of the chat transcript.


Field Type Description
occured_at Datetime The date and time that the call occurred.
duration Integer The duration of the call in seconds.
recording_url String The URL address to an audio recording of the call.

Form Fill

Field Type Description
sub_type String The subtype of the form. Valid values are FormPost and FormEmail.
full_message String The full form message
subject String
extra_fields Array of String


Summary: This HIPAA Compliant trigger returns all contacts (first name, last name, email and/or phone number) generated by a campaign for an advertiser.

Contact Details

Field Type Description
id Integer An integer uniquely identifying this contact.
first_name String The first name of the contact.
last_name String The last name of the contact.
email String The email address of the contact.
company String The company name for this contact.
title String The title for this contact.
phone_home String The home phone number for this contact.
phone_work String The work phone number for this contact.
phone_mobile String The mobile phone number for this contact.
phone_fax String The fax phone number for this contact.
address1 String The first address line for this contact.
address2 String The second address line for this contact.
city String The city for this contact.
state String The state for this contact.
postal String The postal code for this contact.
country String The country for this contact.
notes String Free form text notes entered by end users for the contact.
tags Array yes
status String The status of the contact. Valid values are pending_contact, active_lead, client and none.
created_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was created.
archived_at Datetime The date and time which this contact was archived.

First Party Data API/Apps


The following APIs and Apps make it easy for you to send us First Party Data and for us to infuse that data into your marketing campaigns to achieve better performance harmoniously across campaigns and not be handcuffed by cookies andconstantly changing publisher tracking constraints.

Capture External Events - Confirmed Calls

The Capture External Event - confirmed calls is used to send call information as First Party Data to LocaliQ. Please use this endpoint when you want to inform us of the value of the calls among the ones that were generated by your LocaliQ campaigns. It also accepts minimal PII.

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
POST /capture_events/confirmed_calls
HTTPS Response Code Description
200 Successful
400 Validation Error

Capture External Event API is a public LocaliQ external interface for vendors to use. This endpoint is used to inform us of confirmed leads for First Party Data


Post Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
provider yes The provider of the First Party Data. Example: "Acme Co."
calls yes, if leads not supplied An Array of Call Objects, defined below

Call Object Parameters

Data Field Required Datatype Description
gmaid yes string Global Master Advertiser ID - Uppercase platform and underscore between platform and MAID required
phone yes string Normalized phone number of the lead
duration yes number The duration of the call in seconds
recording_url yes string The URL address to an audio recording of the call.
occurred_at no string The date and time that the call occurred
tag yes integer 1: High Value, 2: Mid Value, 3: Low Value


Sample cURL for the Create Calls POST request:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -d '{
  "provider": "ACME Co.",
# HTTP Response Status: 200

# Sample cURL for the Create Calls POST request with validation errors:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -d '{
        "provider": "",

# HTTP Response Status: 400
# HTTP Response Body:
# [
#     "Provider can't be blank"
# ]

# Sample Ruby for the Create Calls POST request:

require "uri"
require "json"
require "net/http"

url = URI("")

http =, url.port);
request =
request["Accept"] = "application/json"
request["authorization"] = 'Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = JSON.dump({
  "provider": "ACME Co.",
  "calls": [
      "occurred_at": "2017-03-10T01:19:23Z",
      "gmaid": "USA_172717",
      "phone": "8885551212",
      "recording_url": "",
      "duration": "180",
      "tag": 1
      "occurred_at": "2017-02-10T01:19:23Z",
      "gmaid": "USA_172717",
      "phone": "+18885551212",
      "recording_url": "",
      "duration": "180",
      "tag": 1

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

# HTTP Response Status: 200

/* Sample Java for the Create Calls POST request: */

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n    \"provider\":\"ACME Co.\",\n    \"calls\": [\n        {\n            \"occurred_at\":\"2017-03-10T01:19:23Z\",\n            \"gmaid\":\"USA_172717\",\n            \"phone\":\"8885551212\",\n            \"recording_url\":\"\", \n            \"duration\":\"180\",\n            \"tag\":1\n        },\n          {\n            \"occurred_at\":\"2017-02-10T01:19:23Z\",\n            \"gmaid\":\"USA_172717\",\n            \"phone\":\"+18885551212\",\n            \"recording_url\":\"\", \n            \"duration\":\"180\",\n            \"tag\":1\n        }\n    ]\n}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
  .addHeader("Accept", "application/json")
  .addHeader("authorization", "Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

/* HTTP Response Status: 200 */

Capture External Events - Chat

Resource Overview

The Capture External Event - Chat endpoint is used to send chat events to LocaliQ.

Method URI Format
POST /capture_events/chats
HTTPS Response Code Description
200 Successful
400 Validation Error



Sample cURL for the Create Chat POST request:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -d '{
  "eventTime": "2017-03-10T01:19:23Z",
  "accountId": "123456789",
        "provider": "SomeCompany",
        "visitId": "bd4567f4-9b90-42e6-b282-7767af1ba581",
        "chatDuration": 261.58,
        "chatSummary": "Do you have any specials going on?",
        "chatTextFull": "\u000a[2/13/2017 10:55:24 AM] elaine: Hello, thanks for contacting St. Louis Car Dealership. My name is elaine, may I have your name?\u000a  [3/9/2017 8:17:50 PM] System: All users have left the chat.",
        "chatVisitorEmail": "",
        "chatVisitorName": "Bob",
        "chatVisitorPhone": "6592009999"

# HTTP Response Status: 200

# Sample cURL for the Create Chat POST request with validation errors:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
  -d '{
  "eventTime": "2017-03-10T01:19:23Z",
  "accountId": "123456789",
        "provider": null,
        "visitId": "bd4567f4-9b90-42e6-b282-7767af1ba581",
        "chatDuration": 261.58,
        "chatSummary": "Do you have any specials going on?",
        "chatTextFull": "\u000a[2/13/2017 10:55:24 AM] elaine: Hello, thanks for contacting St. Louis Car Dealership. My name is elaine, may I have your name?\u000a  [3/9/2017 8:17:50 PM] System: All users have left the chat.",
        "chatVisitorEmail": "",
        "chatVisitorName": "Bob",
        "chatVisitorPhone": "6592009999"


# HTTP Response Status: 400
# HTTP Response Body:
# [
#     "Provider can't be blank"
# ]

# Sample Ruby for the Create Chat POST request:

require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request["accept"] = 'application/json'
request["authorization"] = 'Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN'
request["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{\n  \"eventTime\": \"2017-03-10T01:19:23Z\",\n  \"accountId\": \"123456789\",\n  \"data\":  \n    {\n        \"provider\": \"SomeCompany\",\n        \"visitId\": \"bd4567f4-9b90-42e6-b282-7767af1ba581\",          \n        \"chatDuration\": 261.58,\n        \"chatSummary\": \"Do you have any specials going on?\",\n        \"chatTextFull\": \"\u000a[2/13/2017 10:55:24 AM] elaine: Hello, thanks for contacting St. Louis Car Dealership. My name is elaine, may I have your name?\u000a  [3/9/2017 8:17:50 PM] System: All users have left the chat.\",\n        \"chatVisitorEmail\": \"\",\n        \"chatVisitorName\": \"Bob\",\n        \"chatVisitorPhone\": \"6592009999\"\n    }\n       \n}\n"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

# HTTP Response Status: 200

/* Sample Java for the Create Chat POST request: */

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n  \"eventTime\": \"2017-03-10T01:19:23Z\",\n  \"accountId\": \"1213456789\",\n  \"data\":  \n    {\n        \"provider\": \"SomeCompany\",\n        \"visitId\": \"bd4567f4-9b90-42e6-b282-7767af1ba581\",          \n        \"chatDuration\": 261.58,\n        \"chatSummary\": \"Do you have any specials going on?\",\n        \"chatTextFull\": \"\u000a[2/13/2017 10:55:24 AM] elaine: Hello, thanks for contacting St. Louis Car Dealership. My name is elaine, may I have your name?\u000a  [3/9/2017 8:17:50 PM] System: All users have left the chat.\",\n        \"chatVisitorEmail\": \"\",\n        \"chatVisitorName\": \"Bob\",\n        \"chatVisitorPhone\": \"6592009999\"\n    }\n       \n}\n");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .addHeader("accept", "application/json")
  .addHeader("authorization", "Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN")
  .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

/* HTTP Response Status: 200 */

Post Body Parameters

Parameter Required Description
eventTime yes The date/time in UTC that the chat started
accountId yes A vendor supplied account identifier
data yes A JSON hash representing the attributes for the chat. See the following section for details

This section defines the data parameter JSON hash:

Data Field Required Description
provider yes The name of the service provider
visitId yes The LocaliQ visitId of the chat user
chatDuration yes The duration of the chat in seconds
chatSummary yes A summary of the chat
chatTextFull yes The full transcript of the chat
chatVisitorEmail yes The email address of the visitor
chatVisitorName yes The name of the chat visitor
chatVisitorPhone no The phone number for this chat visitor
HTTPS Response Code Description
200 Successful
400 Validation Error

Deprecated APIs

Creative/Ad Metrics

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/display_creative/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Note: We recommend users to migrate to the Unified Display API in place of this API as this API will no longer be updated.


Use GET to retrieve information for the Display Creative Report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include spend, impressions, clicks, click-through rate (ctr), cost per thousand (cpm), cost per click (cpc), walk-ins, click-through form submissions, view-through form submissions, cost per submission, click-through priority page views, and view-through priority page views organized by campaign and broken down by creative type and creative size.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_types[] Default: display (can be used to return other campaign types)
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2018-05-01&end_date=2018-05-01

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2018-05-01&end_date=2018-05-01

Example Response

    "report_type": "display_creative",                                          // Type Of Report
    "report_date": "2018-06-13",                                                // Date Report Ran
    "earliest_date_available": "2017-12-04",                                    // How Far Back Data is Available
    "start_date": "2018-05-01",                                                 // Start Date of Report
    "end_date": "2018-05-01",                                                   // End Date of Report
    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",                                         // Time Zone
    "interval_size": "day",                                                     // Interval Size ('day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
    "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1",                                    // Global Master Advertiser (GMAID) for report
    "report_data": {                                                            // Report Details
        "campaigns": [                                                          // All Data for Campaigns
                "name": "GeoFence | FCS | Lee County Oncology Competitors",     // Campaign Name
                "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",                          // Identifier for Campaign
                "start_date": "2018-05-01",                                     // Start Date for Campaign
                "end_date": null,                                               // End Date for Campaign
                "type": "display",                                              // Type of Campaign
                "status": "running",                                            // Campaign Status
                "intervals": [                                                  // Data for Specified Interval
                        "start_date": "2018-05-01",                             // Start Date of Interval
                        "spend": 16.68,                                         // Spend for Interval
                        "impressions": 3029,                                    // Impressions for Interval
                        "clicks": 4,                                            // Clicks for Interval
                        "ctr": 0.13,                                            // Spend for Interval
                        "cpm": 5.51,                                            // Cost per Thousand for Interval
                        "cpc": 4.17,                                            // Cost per Click for Interval
                        "walk_ins": 21,                                         // Walk-ins for Interval
                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,                               // Click-Through Form Submissions
                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,                               // View-Through Form Submissions
                        "cost_per_submission": 0,                               // Cost per Form Submission
                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,                            // Click-Through Priority Page Views
                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0,                            // View-Through Priority Page Views
                        "creative_types": [                                     // Creative Types for Interval
                                "creative_type": "Rich Media",                  // Creative Type
                                "spend": 16.68,                                 // Spend for Creative Type
                                "impressions": 3029,                            // Impressions for Creative Type
                                "clicks": 4,                                    // Clicks for Creative Type
                                "ctr": 0.13,                                    // Click-Through Rate for Creative Type
                                "cpm": 5.51,                                    // Cost per Thousand for Creative Type
                                "cpc": 4.17,                                    // Cost per Click for Creative Type
                                "walk_ins": 21,                                 // Walk-ins for Creative Type
                                "form_submissions_ct": 0,                       // Click-Through Form Submissions
                                "form_submissions_vt": 0,                       // View-Through Form Submissions
                                "cost_per_submission": 0,                       // Cost per Form Submission
                                "priority_page_views_ct": 0,                    // Click-Through Priority Page Views
                                "priority_page_views_vt": 0,                    // View-Through Priority Page Views
                                "creative_sizes": [                             // Creative Sizes for Creative Type
                                        "creative_size": "160x600",             // Creative Size
                                        "spend": 0.3,                           // Spend for Creative Size
                                        "impressions": 48,                      // Impressions for Creative Size
                                        "clicks": 0,                            // Clicks for Creative Size
                                        "ctr": 0,                               // Click-Through Rate for Creative Size
                                        "cpm": 6.33,                            // Cost per Thousand for Creative Size
                                        "cpc": 0,                               // Cost per Click for Creative Size
                                        "walk_ins": 0,                          // Walk-ins for Creative Size
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,               // Click-Through Form Submissions
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,               // View-Through Form Submissions
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,               // Cost per Submission
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,            // Click-Through Priority Page Views
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0             // View-Through Priority Page Views
                                        "creative_size": "250x250",
                                        "spend": 0.1,
                                        "impressions": 19,
                                        "clicks": 0,
                                        "ctr": 0,
                                        "cpm": 5,
                                        "cpc": 0,
                                        "walk_ins": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
                                        "creative_size": "300x50",
                                        "spend": 0.58,
                                        "impressions": 106,
                                        "clicks": 1,
                                        "ctr": 0.94,
                                        "cpm": 5.5,
                                        "cpc": 0.58,
                                        "walk_ins": 3,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
                                        "creative_size": "300x250",
                                        "spend": 5.55,
                                        "impressions": 1026,
                                        "clicks": 1,
                                        "ctr": 0.1,
                                        "cpm": 5.41,
                                        "cpc": 5.55,
                                        "walk_ins": 3,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
                                        "creative_size": "320x50",
                                        "spend": 8.73,
                                        "impressions": 1571,
                                        "clicks": 1,
                                        "ctr": 0.06,
                                        "cpm": 5.55,
                                        "cpc": 8.73,
                                        "walk_ins": 15,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
                                        "creative_size": "320x480",
                                        "spend": 0.05,
                                        "impressions": 8,
                                        "clicks": 0,
                                        "ctr": 0,
                                        "cpm": 5.89,
                                        "cpc": 0,
                                        "walk_ins": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
                                        "creative_size": "728x90",
                                        "spend": 1.37,
                                        "impressions": 251,
                                        "clicks": 1,
                                        "ctr": 0.4,
                                        "cpm": 5.46,
                                        "cpc": 1.37,
                                        "walk_ins": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_ct": 0,
                                        "form_submissions_vt": 0,
                                        "cost_per_submission": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
                                        "priority_page_views_vt": 0
        "totals_per_interval": [                                                // Totals per Interval (over multiple campaigns)
                "start_date": "2018-05-01",                                     // Start Date of Interval
                "spend": 16.68,                                                 // Total Spend for Interval
                "impressions": 3029,                                            // Total Impressions for interval
                "clicks": 4,                                                    // Total Clicks for Interval
                "ctr": 0.13,                                                    // Total Click-Through rate for Interval
                "cpm": 5.51,                                                    // Total Cost per Thousand for Interval
                "cpc": 4.17,                                                    // Total Cost per Click for Interval
                "walk_ins": 21,                                                 // Total Walk-ins for Interval
                "form_submissions_ct": 0,                                       // Total Click-Through Form Submissions
                "form_submissions_vt": 0,                                       // Total View-Through Form Submissions
                "cost_per_submission": 0,                                       // Total Cost per Submission
                "priority_page_views_ct": 0,                                    // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views
                "priority_page_views_vt": 0                                     // Total View-Through Priority Page Views
        "totals": {                                                             // Total Data
            "spend": 16.68,                                                     // Total Spend
            "impressions": 3029,                                                // Total Impressions
            "clicks": 4,                                                        // Total Clicks
            "ctr": 0.13,                                                        // Total Click-Through Rate
            "cpm": 5.51,                                                        // Total Cost per Thousand
            "cpc": 4.17,                                                        // Total Cost per Click
            "walk_ins": 21,                                                     // Total Walk-ins
            "form_submissions_ct": 0,                                           // Total Click-Through Form Submissions
            "form_submissions_vt": 0,                                           // Total View-Through Form Submissions
            "cost_per_submission": 0,                                           // Total Cost per Submission
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,                                        // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views
            "priority_page_views_vt": 0                                         // Total View-Through Priority Page Views

Display Campaign Metrics Old

Resource Overview

Method URI Format
GET /client_reports/display_activity/[gmaid]?[query_params]

Note: We recommend users to migrate to the Unified Display API in place of this API as this API will no longer be updated.


Use GET to retrieve information for the Display Activity report for a given advertiser.

The data returned will include impressions, remarketing impressions, custom targeting impressions, clicks, spend, CPM, walk-ins, and CPW values organized by campaign and campaign_cycle.


When using the GET method, the results can be filtered using these parameters:

Param Function
start_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or after this date
end_date Restricts the results to those occurring on or before this date
global_master_campaign_id[] Restrict results to one or more specific campaigns. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: global_master_campaign_id[]=TEST_1,TEST_2
campaign_status[] Restrict results to all campaigns with given status values. Allowed values are running, stopped and ended. This should be a comma separated string. Ex: campaign_status[]=running,stopped
campaign_cycle Restrict results to a single campaign cycle
interval_size Use calendar_month or calendar_week to roll up the data points into calendar intervals (default is 1 day per interval)
campaign_types[] Default: display (can be used to return other campaign types)
include_cycles Set to true or false on whether to include cycle nesting.
Default value is false

To specify a date range:

Response Data Details

Retrieve data for a specific range of dates

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign cycle

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Retrieve data for campaigns that are stopped and running

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN" \[]=running,stopped&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31

Retrieve data for a specific campaign starting on a certain date with cycle nesting

curl -g -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN \[]=TEST_1&start_date=2016-10-01&end_date=2016-12-31&include_cycles=true

Response Description with Cycles

  "report_type": "display_activity",        // Type of report
  "report_date": "2016-10-24",              // Date report ran
  "earliest_date_available": "2016-01-01",  // How far back data is available
  "start_date": "2016-10-10",               // Start date of report
  "end_date": "2016-10-24",                 // End date of report
  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",       // Time Zone
  "interval_size": "day",                   // Interval Size ('day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
  "currency": "USD",                        // Currency
  "report_data": {                          // Report details
    "campaigns": [                          // All data for campaigns
        "name": "Ad_Campaign_1",             // Campaign name
        "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",// Identifier for campaign
        "start_date": "2016-07-10",          // Start date for campaign
        "end_date": "2016-10-24",            // End date for campaign
        "type": "display",                   // Type of campaign
        "cycles": [                          // Data for cycles
            "campaign_cycle": "TEST_1",       // Identifier for cycle
            "start_date": "2016-10-10",      // Start date for cycle
            "end_date": "2016-10-14",        // End date for cycle
            "intervals": [                   // Data for specified interval
                "start_date": "2016-10-10",          // Start date of interval
                "impressions": 78,                   // Impressions for interval
                "remarketing_impressions": 59,       // Remarketing impressions for interval
                "custom_targeting_impressions": 65,  // Custom targeting impressions for interval
                "clicks": 45,                        // Clicks for interval
                "spend": 18,                         // Spend for interval
                "cpm": 3.05,                         // CPM for interval
                "ctr": 57.69,                        // Click through rate
                "performance_impressions": 21268,    // Performance (video) impressions
                "calls": 0,                          // Calls for interval
                "video_views": 0,                    // Video Views (started) for interval
                "completed_views": 0,                // Video Views (completed) for interval
                "form_submissions_ct": 2,            // Click-Through Form Submissions
                "form_submissions_vt": 5,            // View-Through Form Submissions
                "priority_page_views_ct": 0,         // Click-Through Priority Page Views
                "priority_page_views_vt": 0,         // View-Through Priority Page Views
                "view_complete_rate": 0,             // Percent of videos completed
                "view_through_rate": 0,              // View Through Rate (percent)
                "walk_ins": 1,                       // Walk-ins
                "cpw": 18.0                          // Cost per Walk-in
                "cost_per_call": 0,                  // Cost per Call
                "cost_per_submission": 17.87         // Cost per Form Submission
    "totals": {                             // Total data
      "impressions": 78,                    // Total impressions
      "remarketing_impressions": 310,       // Total remarketing_impressions
      "custom_targeting_impressions": 45,   // Total custom_targeting_impressions
      "clicks": 85,                         // Total click events
      "spend": 18,                          // Total spend
      "cpm": 4.05,                          // Total CPM
      "ctr": 57.69,                         // Click through rate
      "walk_ins": 1,                        // Total Walk-ins
      "performance_impressions": 64213,     // Total Performance Impressions
      "calls": 0,                           // Total Calls
      "video_views": 0,                     // Total Video View
      "completed_views": 0,                 // Total Completed Video Views
      "form_submissions_ct": 3,             // Total Click-Through Form Submissions
      "form_submissions_vt": 5,             // Total View-Through Form Submissions
      "priority_page_views_ct": 0,          // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views
      "priority_page_views_vt": 0,          // Total View-Through Priority Page Views
      "view_through_rate": 0,               // Total View-Through Rate (percent)
      "video_complete_rate": 0,             // Total Video Completion Rate (percent)
      "cpw": 18.0                           // Total Cost per Walk-in
      "cost_per_call": 0,                   // Total Cost per Call
      "cost_per_submission": 78.21          // Total Cost per Form Submission
    "totals_per_interval": [                // Totals per interval (over multiple campaigns)
        "start_date": "2016-10-10",         // Start date of interval
        "impressions": 78,                  // Total impressions for interval
        "remarketing_impressions": 310,     // Total remarketing impressions for interval
        "custom_targeting_impressions": 45, // Total custom targeting impressions for interval
        "clicks": 85,                       // Total clicks for interval
        "spend": 18,                        // Total spend for interval
        "cpm": 4.05,                        // Total cpm for interval
        "ctr": 57.69,                       // Click through rate
        "performance_impressions": 21268,   // Performance (video) impressions
        "calls": 0,                         // Total Calls for interval
        "video_views": 0,                   // Total Video Views (started) for interval
        "completed_views": 0,               // Total Video Views (completed) for interval
        "form_submissions_ct": 2,           // Total Click-Through Form Submissions for interval
        "form_submissions_vt": 5,           // Total View-Through Form Submissions for interval
        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,        // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views for interval
        "priority_page_views_vt": 0,        // Total View-Through Priority Page Views for interval
        "view_complete_rate": 0,            // Total Percent of videos completed for interval
        "view_through_rate": 0,             // Total View Through Rate (percent) for interval
        "walk_ins": 1,                      // Total Walk-ins for interval
        "cpw": 52.37                        // Total Cost per Walk-ins for interval
        "cost_per_call": 0,                 // Total Cost per Call for interval
        "cost_per_submission": 17.87        // Total Cost per Form Submission for interval
  "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1" // Identifier for advertiser

Response Description without Cycles

  "report_type": "display_activity",        // Type of report
  "report_date": "2016-10-24",              // Date report ran
  "earliest_date_available": "2016-01-01",  // How far back data is available
  "start_date": "2016-10-10",               // Start date of report
  "end_date": "2016-10-24",                 // End date of report
  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",       // Time Zone
  "interval_size": "day",                   // Interval Size ('day', 'calendar_week' or 'calendar_month')
  "currency": "USD",                        // Currency
  "report_data": {                          // Report details
    "campaigns": [                          // All data for campaigns
        "name": "Ad_Campaign_1",             // Campaign name
        "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",// Identifier for campaign
        "start_date": "2016-07-10",          // Start date for campaign
        "end_date": "2016-10-24",            // End date for campaign
        "type": "display",                   // Type of campaign
        "intervals": [                       // Data for specified interval
            "start_date": "2016-10-10",          // Start date of interval
            "impressions": 78,                   // Impressions for interval
            "remarketing_impressions": 59,       // Remarketing impressions for interval
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 65,  // Custom targeting impressions for interval
            "clicks": 45,                        // Clicks for interval
            "spend": 18,                         // Spend for interval
            "cpm": 3.05,                         // CPM for interval
            "ctr" : 57.69,                       // Click through rate
            "performance_impressions": 21268,    // Performance (video) impressions
            "calls": 0,                          // Calls for interval
            "video_views": 0,                    // Video Views (started) for interval
            "completed_views": 0,                // Video Views (completed) for interval
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,            // Click-Through Form Submissions
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,            // View-Through Form Submissions
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,         // Click-Through Priority Page Views
            "priority_page_views_vt": 0,         // View-Through Priority Page Views
            "view_complete_rate": 0,             // Percent of videos completed
            "view_through_rate": 0,              // View Through Rate (percent)
            "walk_ins": 1,                       // Walk-ins
            "cpw": 18.0                          // Cost per Walk-in
            "cost_per_call": 0,                  // Cost per Call
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87         // Cost per Form Submission
    "totals": {                             // Total data
      "impressions": 78,                    // Total impressions
      "remarketing_impressions": 310,       // Total remarketing_impressions
      "custom_targeting_impressions": 45,   // Total custom_targeting_impressions
      "clicks": 85,                         // Total click events
      "spend": 18,                          // Total spend
      "cpm": 4.05,                          // Total CPM
      "ctr": 57.69,                         // Click through rate
      "walk_ins": 1,                        // Total Walk-ins
      "performance_impressions": 64213,     // Total Peformance Impressions
      "calls": 0,                           // Total Calls
      "video_views": 0,                     // Total Video View
      "completed_views": 0,                 // Total Completed Video Views
      "form_submissions_ct": 3,             // Total Click-Through Form Submissions
      "form_submissions_vt": 5,             // Total View-Through Form Submissions
      "priority_page_views_ct": 0,          // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views
      "priority_page_views_vt": 0,          // Total View-Through Priority Page Views
      "view_through_rate": 0,               // Total View-Through Rate (percent)
      "video_complete_rate": 0,             // Total Video Completion Rate (percent)
      "cpw": 18.0                           // Total Cost per Walk-in
      "cost_per_call": 0,                   // Total Cost per Call
      "cost_per_submission": 78.21          // Total Cost per Form Submission
    "totals_per_interval": [                // Totals per interval (over multiple campaigns)
        "start_date": "2016-10-10",         // Start date of interval
        "impressions": 78,                  // Total impressions for interval
        "remarketing_impressions": 310,     // Total remarketing impressions for interval
        "custom_targeting_impressions": 45, // Total custom targeting impressions for interval
        "clicks": 85,                       // Total clicks for interval
        "spend": 18,                        // Total spend for interval
        "cpm": 4.05,                        // Total cpm for interval
        "ctr": 57.69,                       // Click through rate
        "performance_impressions": 21268,   // Performance (video) impressions
        "calls": 0,                         // Total Calls for interval
        "video_views": 0,                   // Total Video Views (started) for interval
        "completed_views": 0,               // Total Video Views (completed) for interval
        "form_submissions_ct": 2,           // Total Click-Through Form Submissions for interval
        "form_submissions_vt": 5,           // Total View-Through Form Submissions for interval
        "priority_page_views_ct": 0,        // Total Click-Through Priority Page Views for interval
        "priority_page_views_vt": 0,        // Total View-Through Priority Page Views for interval
        "view_complete_rate": 0,            // Total Percent of videos completed for interval
        "view_through_rate": 0,             // Total View Through Rate (percent) for interval
        "walk_ins": 0,                      // Total Walk-ins for interval for interval
        "cpw": 0,                           // Total Cost per Walk-in for interval
        "cost_per_call": 0,                 // Total Cost per Call for interval
        "cost_per_submission": 17.87        // Total Cost per Form Submission for interval
  "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1" // Identifier for advertiser

Example Response (without cycles):

  "report_type": "display_activity",
  "report_date": "2017-01-24",
  "earliest_date_available": "2016-01-01",
  "start_date": "2017-01-11",
  "end_date": "2017-01-13",
  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "interval_size": "day",
  "currency": "USD",
  "report_data": {
    "campaigns": [
        "name": "Drain Cleaning",
        "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",
        "start_date": "2016-11-14",
        "end_date": "2017-01-13",
        "type": "display",
        "status": "running",
        "intervals": [
            "start_date": "2017-01-11",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
            "priority_page_views_vt": 0,
            "view_complete_rate": 0,
            "view_through_rate": 0,
            "walk_ins": 0,
            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
            "start_date": "2017-01-12",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
            "priority_page_views_vt": 0,
            "view_complete_rate": 0,
            "view_through_rate": 0,
            "walk_ins": 0,
            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
            "start_date": "2017-01-13",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
            "priority_page_views_vt": 0,
            "view_complete_rate": 0,
            "view_through_rate": 0,
            "walk_ins": 0,
            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
        "name": "Stopped Campaign",
        "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",
        "start_date": "2016-11-14",
        "end_date": "2017-01-13",
        "type": "display",
        "status": "stopped",
        "intervals": [
            "start_date": "2017-01-11",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
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            "view_complete_rate": 0,
            "view_through_rate": 0,
            "walk_ins": 0,
            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
            "start_date": "2017-01-12",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
            "priority_page_views_ct": 0,
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            "view_complete_rate": 0,
            "view_through_rate": 0,
            "walk_ins": 0,
            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
            "start_date": "2017-01-13",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
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            "cpw": 0,
            "cost_per_call": 0,
            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
        "name": "Ended Campaign",
        "global_master_campaign_id": "TEST_1",
        "start_date": "2016-11-14",
        "end_date": "2017-01-13",
        "type": "display",
        "status": "ended",
        "intervals": [
            "start_date": "2017-01-11",
            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
            "completed_views": 0,
            "form_submissions_ct": 2,
            "form_submissions_vt": 5,
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            "cost_per_submission": 17.87
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            "impressions": 200,
            "remarketing_impressions": 60,
            "custom_targeting_impressions": 140,
            "clicks": 30,
            "spend": 75.5,
            "cpm": 377.5,
            "ctr": 57.69,
            "performance_impressions": 21268,
            "calls": 0,
            "video_views": 0,
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  "global_master_advertiser_id": "TEST_1"

Error Codes

The LocalIQ API uses standard HTTP status codes to communicate errors

Error Code Meaning
200 OK - Everything went as planned.
400 Bad Request - Something in your header or request body was malformed.
401 Unauthorized - Necessary credentials were either missing or invalid.
403 Forbidden - The end user is authenticated, but is not authorized to access the requested resource. The API response will give information on why this is the case. Unauthorized permissions can be due to advertisers not being active or the user calling the API does not have privileges to access HIPAA info.
404 Not Found - The object you’re requesting doesn’t exist.
422 Unprocessable Entity - There is a missing or invalid parameter. The API response will state what parameter needs attention.
429 Too Many Requests - You are calling our APIs more frequently than we allow.
5xx Server Error - Something went wrong on our end.

In addition to the status code, the HTTP body of the response will also contain a JSON representation of the error.

Troubleshooting Errors

400 - Bad Request

Invalid Grant

Example Response

{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "The provided authorization credentials are invalid. Refer to documentation at for further information." }

Invalid grant error messages occurs when either:

To resolve this check your username and password for accuracy, then follow steps at Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens to request a new refresh token.

401 - Unauthorized

Example Response

{ "message": "Unauthorized" }

Unauthorized messages can occur when a request for a report endpoint is made using an expired token.

To resolve this, follow steps at Requesting Access and Refresh Tokens

403 - Forbidden

Example Response

{ "name": "not_authorized", "message": "You are not permitted to perform this action." }

HIPAA Permissions

The business user must be set up to allow access to HIPAA information to access HIPAA data through the API. You can reach your account team to check and/or edit privileges on your business user. Please follow the needed due diligence when adding HIPAA privileges to your business user account since the implications of it are far beyond API access to data.

This control applies to APIs that provide data that are classified as HIPAA and protected by law.

The business user must have "Agency Customer" role to use the lead APIs. If the API response has PII and the advertiser falls under the HIPAA category, the API will check for this role in order to provide PII information in the response.